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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 13 Яну 2009 22:17 
same shit every day

Регистриран на: 24 Фев 2008 23:20
Мнения: 1999
Години: 33

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You're broken, so am I
I'm better off alone
No one to turn to and nothing to call my own
Outspoken, so am I
Explosive words that your world wouldn't understand
Turn away again

You're beaten, so am I
I've got a heart of stone
No medication can cure what has taken hold
You're hurting, so am I
When I awaken, remember why I've been running from your

Dishonored by your world
Your world
I'm haunted by your world

My blood is cold as ice
Or so I have been told
Show no emotion, and it can destroy your soul
Another sacrifice
To a tormentor your world wouldn't understand
Turn away again

You're angered, so am I
A thousand fires burn
A land of darkness from which I cannot return
You're aching, so am I
When I awaken, discover that I've been damaged by your

Dishonored by your world
Your world
I'm haunted by your world

(Remember and you might be welcomed
Amongst the heartless monsters you surround yourself with
Feeding off the pain and misfortune of others
A maniacal unit of sub-human parasites
Warped into a feeding frenzy at the smell of fresh blood
Open your eyes and see the creatures for what they are
A swirling mess of hatred and envy
Don't be naive enough to think you're unaffected
The conversion has already begun...)

You're frightened, so am I
A world of demons wait
Watching the movements and filling my heart with hate
You're burning, so am I
When I awaken, discover how I've been ravaged by your

Dishonored by your world
Your world
I'm haunted by your world


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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 21 Яну 2009 22:06 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 28 Яну 2004 21:27
Мнения: 2302
Години: 33

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И отново стоя на брега на реката
и загледал водата замислен мълча.
Тишина и мъгла бавно скапват душата,
младостта отминава както всяка мечта.

И макар че от кал сме направени, Господи,
аз не искам във кал да прекарам живота си.
И не искам тъй ням да стоя край брега
да очаквам промяна и все да мълча.

Как искам да живея в един различен свят!
Не, не ми казвай, че греша - не ме дърпай назад!
Моят път не е твоя, нека сам да вървя!
Нека с риск да пропадна, поне за миг полетя!

Моят свят не е твоя, искам сам да вървя!
Но преди да пропадна, поне за миг да полетя!

will i live to be 23?

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 30 Яну 2009 11:16 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 14 Окт 2007 12:31
Мнения: 2156
Години: 31

Благодарил: 0 пъти
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И преди и сега жестока е съдбата !
Бързо или бавно отнема ми мечтата
да сме заедно с тебе е ебахти съдбата !
Не мога да разбера ,защо се случи това
не си до мен в ноща
как боли от любовта.
Но къде ли е сега далеч от моята душа
и защо ли е така
остана само болката....

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 30 Яну 2009 11:23 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 14 Окт 2007 12:31
Мнения: 2156
Години: 31

Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 0 пъти
Гледай косата ми колко цвята смених
Забеляза ли ? Нещо става !
Ако жена реши да избяга ,
първо косата и го издава..
След цветовете идва ред на мъжете...
и тях ги сменя
След цветовете ,вече идва ред на мъжете..
и твоя е дошъл .. (sun)

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 30 Яну 2009 22:27 
No More Words

Регистриран на: 25 Юни 2006 10:22
Мнения: 4637
Години: 33

Местоположение: somewhere around nothing
Благодарил: 27 пъти
Получил благодарност: 10 пъти
Тёмные воды, меченые карты
Трудные годы, лёгкие старты
И кажется скоро всё станет так просто
И плед на коленях и такие близкие звёзды
Но новое утро, новые дороги
Моря по колено и сбитые ноги
И капли бегут по стеклу так красиво
И время проходит мимо, но

Жизни не жалко, жизни не жалко
А жаль лишь мгновений и свет на ресницах
И ночь, что больше не повторится
Жизни не жалко, жизни не жалко
Лишь взгляд и тепло от твоих ладоней
А может всё это мне только снится

Дальние страны, расписанные ноты
И новые планы уже по блокнотам
Но жизнь всё равно всё расставит иначе
Всё будет как будет, просто пожелай мне удачи
Прикосновенье, случайное слово
И, может, позднее мы встретимся снова
И отблеск огня на стене у камина
Пусть время проходит мимо, ведь

Жизни не жалко, жизни не жалко
А жаль лишь мгновений и свет на ресницах
И ночь, что больше не повторится
Жизни не жалко, жизни не жалко
Лишь взгляд и тепло от твоих ладоней
А может всё это мне только снится

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 31 Яну 2009 20:46 

Регистриран на: 10 Авг 2006 21:27
Мнения: 3262
Години: 31

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Oλα ή τίποτα Mixalis Hatzigiannis
All or nothing

Τι κι αν μ’ έσπασες κομμάτια
What if you broke me into pieces
πάλι θα ενωθώ
I will put myself back together
πάλι μπρος στα δυο σου μάτια
again in front of your two eyes
ίσια θα σταθώ
I will stand up
Και με την καρδιά στα χέρια
and with heart in my hands
θα ‘ρθω να σου πω
I will tell you
πήγαινέ με ως τ’ αστέρια
take me to stars
ή ως τον γκρεμό, oooo
or straight to steep, ohhh!

Πάρε με – δώσε με
Take me, give me away
ή ξέχασέ με
or forget me
Πάρε με – κράτα με
take me, keep me
ή άφησέ με
or leave me
Αγάπα με – φίλα με
love me, kiss me
ή μίσησέ με
or hate me
Όλα ή τίποτα μαζί σου
all or nothing with you
Όλα ή τίποτα μαζί σου
all or nothing with you

Δε λυπάμαι τον εαυτό μου
I don't feel sorry for myself
ας καταστραφώ
even If I destroy myself
σώμα δεν κρατάω δικό μου
I don't have a body of my own
για να το νοιαστώ
so as to mind its loss
Ό,τι έζησα ό,τι είδα
whatever I saw, whatever I heard
ήταν όλα εσύ
all was you
πότε ήσουν ηλιαχτίδα
sometimes you were sunshine
πότε φυλακή, ηηηη
sometimes prison.

Πάρε με – δώσε με...
Take me, give me away....
Upside down

Θα φτιάξω κόσμο δικό μου και μέσα θα ζω
I will create my own world and I will live in it
όλα ανάποδα θα ‘ναι εδώ.
here everything’s gonna be reversely.
Για μένα θα ‘ναι πια ψέμα το πραγματικό
For me the real will be fake
κι η αλήθεια θα ‘ναι το φανταστικό.
and truth will be the imaginary.

Εγώ γυρνώ ανάποδα όλη τη γη
I turn the whole world upside down
εγώ τρελό και πειραγμένο παιδί.
I’m a crazy and weird kid.

Όταν εσύ θα λες φύγε
When you will say "go away"
τότε αχώριστη θα ‘μαι σκιά
then I will be your inseparable shadow
κι όταν ακούσω το έλα
and when I hear "come"
τότε θα φύγω ξανά μακριά.
then I will go away again.

Όταν εσύ θα λες όχι
When you will say no
σα να ‘χω ακούσει το ναι θ’ αντιδρώ
I would react as if I heard yes
γιατί η καρδιά μου πια το ‘χει
cause my heart has it already
κι έτσι απλά δε θα υποταχτώ.
and I won’t resign simply like this.

Θα φτιάξω κόσμο δικό μου κι ελεύθερα μπες
I will create a world on my own and you’re free to come
θα παρακούω όμως ό,τι κι αν λες.
but I will disobey in everything you say.
Δεν είναι αντίδραση μόνο ή εγωισμός
It’s not just resistance or egoism
είναι απόγνωση, είναι θυμός.
it’s despair, it’s anger.

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 05 Фев 2009 17:24 

Регистриран на: 15 Яну 2005 12:45
Мнения: 1019
Години: 33

Местоположение: оо не,не!
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"When you dream,there are no rules.People can fly.Anything can happen.Sometimes theres a moment that your awaking and become aware of the real world around you.But your still dreaming.And you may think you can fly,but you better not try.People can fly!"

Още не ми се избива Astral-a от главата :) (inlove)

Пропаганджа хит!

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 12 Фев 2009 21:43 
No More Words

Регистриран на: 25 Юни 2006 10:22
Мнения: 4637
Години: 33

Местоположение: somewhere around nothing
Благодарил: 27 пъти
Получил благодарност: 10 пъти
Is this the end of the moment
Or just a beautiful unfolding
Of a love that will never be?
Or maybe be
Everything that I never thought could happen
Or ever come to pass and
I wonder
If maybe
Maybe I could be
All you ever dreamed, cause you are

Beautiful inside
So lovely and I
Cant see why I’d do anything without you, you are
And when I’m not with you
I know that it’s true
That I’d rather be anywhere but here without you

Is this a natural feeling
Or is it just me bleeding
All my thoughts and dreams
In hope that you will be with me or
Is this a moment to remember
Or just a cold day in December?
I wonder
If maybe
Maybe I could be
All you ever dreamed, cause you are

Beautiful inside
So lovely and I
Can't see why I’d do anything without you, you are
And when I’m not with you
I know that it’s true
That I’d rather be anywhere but here without you

Is this the end of the moment
Or just a beautiful unfolding
Of a love that will never be
For you and me?

Cause you are
You’re beautiful inside
You’re so lovely and I
Can't see why I’d do anything without you, you are
And when I’m not with you, I know that it’s true
That I’d rather be anywhere but here without you

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 17 Фев 2009 08:38 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 20 Ное 2004 22:42
Мнения: 1081
Години: 37

Местоположение: Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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rosencetooo написа:
Гледай косата ми колко цвята смених
Забеляза ли ? Нещо става !
Ако жена реши да избяга ,
първо косата и го издава..
След цветовете идва ред на мъжете...
и тях ги сменя
След цветовете ,вече идва ред на мъжете..
и твоя е дошъл .. (sun)
много сладка песен, Росе :Рр
супер ме радва : ))

Let's dance little stranger

Show me secret sins

Love can be like bondage

Seduce me once again

Burning like an angel

Who has heaven in reprieve

Burning like the voodoo man

With devils on his sleeve

Won't you dance with me

In my world of fantasy

Won't you dance with me

Ritual fertility

Like an apparition

You don't seem real at all

Like a premonition

Of curses on my soul

The way I want to love you

Well it could be against the law

I've seen you in a thousand minds

You've made the angels fall

Come on little stranger

There's only one last dance

Soon the music's over

Let's give it one more chance

Take a chance with me

In my world of fantasy

Won't you dance with me

Ritual fertility


в ледена стая виждам безкрая
в сенки от рая - моите сто лица

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 17 Фев 2009 08:46 

Регистриран на: 01 Апр 2005 23:30
Мнения: 478
Години: 37

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rosencetooo написа:
Гледай косата ми колко цвята смених
Забеляза ли ? Нещо става !
Ако жена реши да избяга ,
първо косата и го издава..
След цветовете идва ред на мъжете...
и тях ги сменя
След цветовете ,вече идва ред на мъжете..
и твоя е дошъл .. (sun)

(h) (h) (h)

I can change your life, make it so new,
make you never want to go back to the old you.


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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 19 Фев 2009 15:44 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 15 Авг 2006 21:02
Мнения: 1907
Години: 33

Благодарил: 5 пъти
Получил благодарност: 47 пъти
When the world turns you away
A friend will not say no
There is strength that we all have
It's not the strength we show

And in your darkest hour
In your darkest nights
Whatever life will do
I am here for you

Think of me wherever you are
When it seems like you're reaching the end
Call on me, know in your heart
On one you can always depend
I am thy friend

Though we're far away
The stars above are the same
And when you feel alone
There's one who shares your pain

A true friend has no price
There is none to pay
I remember you stood by me
I'm with you all the way

Think of me wherever you are
When it seems like you're reaching the end
Call on me, know in your heart
One who will always defend
I am thy friend

Think of me wherever you are
When it seems like you're reaching the end
Call on me, know in your heart
On one you can always depend
I am thy friend

Think of me wherever you are
When it seems like you're reaching the end
Call on me, know in your heart
One who will always defend
I am thy friend

"С нас е Бог, разберете, народи, и се покорете, защото с нас е Бог!...
Могъщи, покорете се, защото с нас е Бог!
И ако закрепнете, пак ще бъдете победени, защото с нас е Бог!..."

"Толерантността в една зверилница е равносилна на смърт." (Н. Хайтов)"...
Обичам животните, птичките и рибите.....особено с биричка и гарнитура. :D


http://www.drakensang.com/?&aid=3546&in ... jxbefgxbab


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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 03 Мар 2009 23:02 
same shit every day

Регистриран на: 24 Фев 2008 23:20
Мнения: 1999
Години: 33

Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 2 пъти
Just one more moment, that's all that's needed.
Like wounded soldiers in need of healing
Time to be honest, this time I'm pleading
Please don't dwell on it, cause I didn't mean it

I can't believe I said I'd lay our love on the ground
But it doesn't matter cause I
made it up. Forgive me now
Everyday I spend away my souls inside out
Gotta be some way that I can make it
up to you now, somehow.

By now you know that
I'd come for you
No one but you, yes I'd come for you
But only if you told me to
And I'd fight for you
I'd lie, it's true
Give my life for you
You know I'd always come for you

I was blindfolded, but now I'm seeing
My mind was closing, now I'm believing
I finally know just what it
means to let someone in
To see the side of me that no one does or ever will
So if you're ever lost and find yourself all alone
I'd search forever just to bring you home,
Here and now this I vow

By now you know that
I'd come for you
No one but you, yes I'd come for you
But only if you told me to
And I'd fight for you
I'd lie, it's true
Give my life for you
You know I'd always come for you
You know I'd always come for you

No matter what gets in my way
As long as there's still life in me
No matter what, remember you know
I'll always come for you

Yes I'd come for you, no one but you,
Yes I'd come for you
But only if you told me to

And I'd fight for you
I'd lie, it's true
Give my life for you
You know I'd always come for you

No matter what gets in my way
As long as there's still life in me
No matter what, remember you know
I'll always come for you
I'd crawl across this world for you
Do anything you want me to
No matter what, remember you know
I'll always come for you
You know I'll always come for you


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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 07 Мар 2009 11:29 
No More Words

Регистриран на: 25 Юни 2006 10:22
Мнения: 4637
Години: 33

Местоположение: somewhere around nothing
Благодарил: 27 пъти
Получил благодарност: 10 пъти
Anywhere you go, anyone you meet
Remember that your eyes can be your enemies
I said hell is so close, and heavens out of reach,
But I ain't giving up quite yet,
I've got too much to lose,

Hold me down, sweet and low little girl
Hold me down, sweet and low and I will carry you home,
Hold me down, sweet and low little girl
Hold me down, and i'll carry you home,

The rain is gonna fall, the sun is gonna shine
The wind is gonna blow, the waters gonna rise
She said, when that day comes look into my eyes
But no ones giving up quite yet, we've got too much to lose,

Hold me down, sweet and low little girl
Hold me down, sweet and low and I will carry you home,
Hold me down, sweet and low little girl,
Hold me down,

And i'll carry you all the way
When you say you're fine
But you're still young and out of line,
When all I need's to turn around
To make it last, to make it count,
I ain't gonna make the same mistakes
That put my mama in her grave
I don't wanna be alone

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 11 Мар 2009 00:44 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 15 Авг 2006 21:02
Мнения: 1907
Години: 33

Благодарил: 5 пъти
Получил благодарност: 47 пъти
Епизод - Респект (Бий за да те уважават)

Когато си силен и побеждаваш,
когато над всички качил си върха,
на много неща ще се наслаждаваш,
и всеки ще тропа на твойта врата.
Когато си слаб и загубиш играта,
когато пред всички си паднал в прахта
и който те срещне извръща главата,
за теб е затворена всяка врата.
Затова недей да губиш!
Бий за да те уважават! (x2)

Ако не искаш да страдаш жестоко,
ще търсиш победа на всяка цена.
Стреми се да бъдеш първи в живота,
след втория никой не обръща глава.
Затова недей да губиш.
Бий за да те уважават! (x4)

Как си успял да достигнеш до тука,
защо точно ти всички си победил?
Шансът дали бил е винаги с тебе -
кой го е грижа за всичко това.
Затова недей да губиш.
Бий за да те уважават! (x4)

"С нас е Бог, разберете, народи, и се покорете, защото с нас е Бог!...
Могъщи, покорете се, защото с нас е Бог!
И ако закрепнете, пак ще бъдете победени, защото с нас е Бог!..."

"Толерантността в една зверилница е равносилна на смърт." (Н. Хайтов)"...
Обичам животните, птичките и рибите.....особено с биричка и гарнитура. :D


http://www.drakensang.com/?&aid=3546&in ... jxbefgxbab


Последна промяна TNT на 11 Мар 2009 00:49, променена общо 1 път

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 03 Апр 2009 08:58 
No More Words

Регистриран на: 25 Юни 2006 10:22
Мнения: 4637
Години: 33

Местоположение: somewhere around nothing
Благодарил: 27 пъти
Получил благодарност: 10 пъти
Safetysuit - What If

What if it makes you sad at me?
And what if it makes you laugh now but you cry as you fall asleep?
And what if it takes your breath
And you cant hardly breathe?
And what if it makes the last sound be the very best sound?

What if what I want makes you sad at me?
And is it all my fault or can I fix it please?
Cause you know that I’m always all for you
Cause you know that I’m always all for you

What if it makes you lose faith in me?
What if makes you question every moment you cannot see?
And what if it makes you crash
And you can’t find the key?
What if it makes you ask how you could let it all go?

What if what I want makes you sad at me?
And is it all my fault or can I fix it please?
Cause you know that I’m always all for you
Cause you know that I’m always all for you

And if this be our last conversation
If this be the last time that we speak for awhile
Don’t lose hope and don’t let go
Cause you should know

If it makes you sad
If it makes you sad at me
Then it’s all my fault and let me fix it please
Cause you know that I’m always all for you
Cause you know that I’m always all for you

What if what I want makes you sad at me?
And if its all my fault then let me fix it please
Cause you know that I’m always all for you
Cause you know that I’m always all for you

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 07 Апр 2009 23:22 
fallen angel

Регистриран на: 09 Сеп 2008 10:23
Мнения: 1048
Години: 30

Местоположение: Добрич
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Rihanna - Rehab

Baby, baby
When we first met
I never felt something so strong
You were like my lover
And my best friend
All wrapped into one
With a ribbon on it
And all of a sudden
When you left
I didn't know how to follow
It's like a shot
That spun me around
And now my heart left
I feel so empty and hollow

And I'll never give myself to another
The way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize
The ways you hit me
Do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame

And now I feel like, oh
You're the reason
Why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke all
These cigarettes no more
I guess this is what I get
For wishful thinking
Should've never let you into my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
It's not usual like how I'll leave
It's like I checked into rehab
Baby you're my decease
It's like I checked into rehab
Baby you're my decease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my decease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my decease

I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my decease

Ain't it crazy
When your love slams?
You'll do anything
For the one you love
'Cause anytime
That you needed me
I'd be there
It's like
You were my favorite drug
The only problem is
That you was using me
In a different way
That I was using you
But now that I know
That it's not meant to be
You gotta go
I gotta win myself over you

I lick the gun when I'm done 'сause I know that revenge is sweet, so sweet...

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 06 Май 2009 00:11 
No More Words

Регистриран на: 25 Юни 2006 10:22
Мнения: 4637
Години: 33

Местоположение: somewhere around nothing
Благодарил: 27 пъти
Получил благодарност: 10 пъти
Seven days and I'm still sick
I need you more than I'll admit
I'm drowning here in a fifth of gin
Now I'm hoping for the best
But not holding my breath
Was there something that I missed
Some sort of clue maybe a hint
Cause there's a lack of love that's on you lips

And I can see your face in my mirror
Hear you voice in my ear
You're everywhere but here

Maybe Baby You're Too Pretty for me
Maybe Baby You're playing hide and go seek
I'm hoping for the best
Cause you're so hard to get
I'm not holding my breath
Cause you're too pretty for me

All the days the love we made
Tell me it wasn't all just fake
I need to know cause my hearts at stake
Now I'm hoping for the best
But not holding my breath

And I can see your face in my mirror
Hear you voice in my ear
You're everywhere but here

Maybe Baby You're Too Pretty for me
Maybe Baby You're playing hide and go seek
I'm hoping for the best
Cause you're so hard to get
I'm not holding my breath
Cause you're too pretty for me

Now you had me at hello
And then you let me go
Now everyday I wait
Is spent in second place

And I can see your face
Too pretty for me
Hear you voice
Too pretty for me

Maybe Baby You're Too Pretty for me
Maybe Baby You're playing hide and go seek
I'm hoping for the best
Cause you're so hard to get
I'm not holding my breath
Cause you're too pretty for me

I know you, I know you lie
Cause you're too pretty for me

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 26 Май 2009 21:12 
No More Words

Регистриран на: 25 Юни 2006 10:22
Мнения: 4637
Години: 33

Местоположение: somewhere around nothing
Благодарил: 27 пъти
Получил благодарност: 10 пъти
I guess I'm trying to say I'm sorry,
But it always comes out wrong,
I think a part of you still loves me,
Even though we're moving on.

Always, all ways I wanted us to be,
Always, all ways you and me,
And I wait here on my own,
And I wait for you to see,
All the time I spend alone now won't comfort me,

Always all ways...

And I'm sorry for what happened,
But I want you there to see,
That I'm changing all my actions,
I don't wanna set you free.

Always, all ways I want to see you through
Always, all ways me and you
And I wait here on my own,
And I wait for you to see,
All the time I spend alone now won't comfort me.

'Cause I'm waiting for you,
Yeah, I'm waiting for you,
Give me answers, get me through,
I will wait...

Always, all ways I wanted us to be,
Always, all ways you and me,
And I wait here on my own,
And I wait for you to see,
All the time I spend alone now won't comfort me.

'Cause I'm waiting for you,
And I'll wait here for you,
Give me answers, give me through,
I will wait...

'Cause I'm waiting for you,
Yeah I'm waiting for you,
Give me answers, get me through,
I will wait...

Always, all ways

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 27 Май 2009 16:33 

Регистриран на: 10 Авг 2006 21:27
Мнения: 3262
Години: 31

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Tonight I'm so alone
This sorrow takes ahold
Don't leave me here so cold
Never want to be so cold

Your touch used to be so kind
Your touch used to give me life
I've waited all this time, I've wasted so much time

Don't leave me alone
Cause I barely see at all
Don't leave me alone, I'm

falling in the black
Slipping through the cracks
Falling to the depths can I ever go back

Dreaming of the way it used to be
Can you hear me
falling in the black
Slipping through the cracks
Falling to the depths can I ever go back
Falling inside the black
Falling inside falling inside the black

You were my source of strength
I've traded everything
That I love for this one thing
Stranded in the offering
Don't leave me here like this
Can't hear me scream from the abyss
And now I wish for you my desire

Don't leave me alone cause I barely see at all

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 29 Май 2009 20:55 
same shit every day

Регистриран на: 24 Фев 2008 23:20
Мнения: 1999
Години: 33

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Върви деня към залеза си вечен
А тук боли, където пулсът е сърдечен

Няма как, все някога е ден последен
И ще боли, когато пътят е далечен

Ти мълчиш, със поглед всичко казваш
Раздялата е между нас

Ти молиш мен, в нощта последна да сме двама
Но знаеш, че ако не тръгна, ще остана

Във мрака тихо едно момиче плаче
А аз оставам сам с вятъра в нощта

Не зная кога, не зная къде
Аз искам само пак да срещна теб
Почувствай сама
Как обича едно сърце

Не зная кога, не зная къде
Аз вярвам, че ще дойде този ден
Спомни си за мен
Когато тичаш в дъжда студен

Ти мълчиш, със поглед всичко казваш
Раздялата е вече между нас

В мрака бавно едно момиче тръгва
А аз оставам сам с вятъра в нощта

Не зная кога, не зная къде
Аз искам само пак да срещна теб
Почувствай сама
Как обича едно сърце

Не зная кога, не зная къде
Аз вярвам, че ще дойде този ден
Спомни си за мен
Остава днес надеждата.


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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 30 Май 2009 14:11 

Регистриран на: 10 Авг 2006 21:27
Мнения: 3262
Години: 31

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And I remember everything,
Everything I loved,
I gave it away like it wasn't enough
All the words I said and all you forgive
How could I hurt you again?

What if I let you in?
What if I make it right it?
What if I give it up?
What if I want to try?
What if you take a chance?
What if I learn to love?
What if, what if we start again?

All this time
I can make it right
With one more try
Can we start again?
In my eyes,
You can see it now,
Can we start again, can we start again?!?

Emptiness inside me, wonder if you see
It's my mistake and it's hurting me
I known where we've been
How did we get so far?
What if, what if we start again?


I'm lost inside the pain I feel without you,
I can't stop holding on, I need you with me!!!
I'm trapped inside the pain
Can we never love again?
I'm lost without you!!!

One more try,
Can we start again?
In my eyes, can you forgive me now?
(Can we start again?)
Can we start again (one more try?)
Can we start again?
Can we start again (can you forgive me?)
Can we start again?

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 02 Юни 2009 18:37 

Регистриран на: 10 Авг 2006 21:27
Мнения: 3262
Години: 31

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http://otkrovenia.com/main.php?action=show&id=118470 (h) (rock)

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 03 Юни 2009 11:56 

Регистриран на: 10 Авг 2006 21:27
Мнения: 3262
Години: 31

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I know you, who are you now?
Look into my eyes if you can’t remember
Do you remember? Oh

I can see, I can still find
you’re the only voice my heart can recognize
But I can’t hear you now, yeah

I’ll never be the same I’m caught inside
the memories of promises of yesterdays
and I belong to you
I just can’t walk away ‘cuz after loving you
I can never be the same

And how can I pretend to never
know you like it was all a dream? No
I know I’ll never forget the way I always felt
with you beside me, and how you loved me then, yeah

I’ll never be the same I’m caught inside
the memories of promises of yesterdays
and I belong to you
I just can’t walk away ‘cuz after loving you
I can never be the same

You led me here, then I watched you disappear
You left this emptiness inside and I can’t turn back time

No! Stay! Nothing compares to you
nothing compares to you
I can’t let you go
can’t let you go
I can’t let go

I can never be the same,
not after loving you,
not after loving you,

I’ll never be the same I’m caught inside
the memories of promises of yesterdays
and I belong to you
I just can’t walk away ‘cuz after loving you
I can never be the same

I can never be the same
I will never be the same
Woah woah woah woah woah
I just can’t walk away
No I can’t walk away from you

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 07 Юни 2009 18:29 

Регистриран на: 31 Мар 2007 02:07
Мнения: 32
Години: 34

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Поля от слънчогледи
Гледат към слънцето
Поля от слънчогледи
Хиляди малки слънца
Гледам и аз
Ябълка и праскова
Устни затворени

Сняг и ябълков цвят вали
Чисто и бяло
Никога не ще се стопи
Няма изток от рая
Посей, огледай болката и отрежи

Поля от изгорели малки слънца
Поля от присъдени болни цветя
Поля от изгладнели любовни сърца
Поля от слънчогледи бели петна

Днес не ми е ден... нощ ми е. Нощта е красива... небето полива очите ти със сребърната светлина на хиляди малки звездички за които денят е само слух, а слънцето герой от приказка.

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юни 2009 19:53 
fallen angel

Регистриран на: 09 Сеп 2008 10:23
Мнения: 1048
Години: 30

Местоположение: Добрич
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 4 пъти
I'm not the type to get heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
cause I never leave my heart open
it never hurts me to say goodbye
relationships don't get deep to me
never got that whole in love thing
and someone can say they love me truly
but at the time it didn't mean a thing

my mind is gone
im spinnin' round
and deep inside
my tears I'll drown
I'm losin' grip
what's happenin
I strayed from love
this is how I feel

this time was different
felt like I was just a victim
and it cut mе like a knife
when you walked out of my life
now im this condition
and ive got all the symptoms
of a girl with a broken heart
but no matter what you'll never see me cry

did it happen when we first kissed
cause its hurtin me to let it go
maybe cause we spent so much time
and i know its no more
i should have never let you hold me baby
maybe why im sad to see us part
i didn't give it to you on purpose
cant figure out how you stole my heart

my mind is gone
im spinnin round
and deep inside
my tears i'll drown
im losin' grip
whats happenin
i strayed from love
this is how i feel

this time was different
felt like i was just a victim
and it cut me like a knife
when you walked out of my life
now I'm this condition
and ive got all the symptoms
of a girl with a broken heart
but no matter what youll never see me cry

how did i get here with you ill never know
never meant to let it get so personal
and after all i tried to do
to stay away from lovin you
im broken hearted i cant let you know
and i wont let it show
you wont see me cry

my mind is gone
im spinnin round
and deep inside
my tears ill drown
im losin grip
whats happenin
i strayed from love
this is how i feel

this time was different
felt like i was just a victim
and it cut my like a knife
when you walked out of my life
now im this condition
and ive got all the symptoms
of a girl with a broken heart
but no matter what youll never see me cry

my mind is gone
im spinnin round
and deep inside
my tears ill drown
im losin grip
whats happenin
i strayed from love
this is how i feel

this time was different
felt like i was just a victim
and it cut my like a knife
when you walked out of my life
[youll never see me cry]
now im this condition
and ive got all the symptoms
of a girl with a broken heart
but no matter what youll never see me cry
all my life

I lick the gun when I'm done 'сause I know that revenge is sweet, so sweet...

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 12 Юни 2009 20:36 

Регистриран на: 10 Авг 2006 21:27
Мнения: 3262
Години: 31

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I didn't hear you leave
I wonder how am I still here
And I don't want to move a thing
It might change my memory

Oh I am what I am
I do what I want
But I can't hide

And I won't go
I won't sleep
I can't breathe
Until you're resting here with me

And I won't leave
I can't hide
I cannot be
Until you're resting here with me

I don't want to call my friends
For they might wake me from this dream
And I can't leave this bed
Risk forgetting all that's been

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 30 Юли 2009 00:32 

Регистриран на: 10 Авг 2006 21:27
Мнения: 3262
Години: 31

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A single rose left to remember
As a single tear falls from her eye
Another cold day in December
A year from the day she said goodbye

Seems it's only been a moment
Since the angels took him from her arms
And she was left there holding on to their tomorrow
But as they laid him in the ground
Her heart would sing without a sound

A single lifetime lays behind her
As she draws her final breath
Just beyond the door he'll find her
Taking her hand she softly says

For the first time you can open your eyes
And see the world without your sorrow
Where no one knows the pain you left behind
And all the peace you could never find
Is waiting there to hold and keep you
Welcome to the first day of your life

Just open up your eyes as I lay you down tonight
Safe on the other side, no more tears to cry

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 30 Юли 2009 01:29 
Liverpool FC

Регистриран на: 14 Фев 2008 18:58
Мнения: 709
Местоположение: Liverpool
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You feel the bass
Bass is my voice
The voice blows your mind
Your mind is getting high
The beat brings the bass
Bass brings the beat
The beat drums like a horse - haw haw haw haw
The bass brings the drum
Drum brings the bass
The bass makes you high

I feel high
Feel the music inside
Let it take you anywhere you
Anywhere you`ll like … 2x

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 24 Окт 2009 02:37 
fallen angel

Регистриран на: 09 Сеп 2008 10:23
Мнения: 1048
Години: 30

Местоположение: Добрич
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 4 пъти
The Rasmus - Living In A World Without You

It's hard to believe it came to this
You paralysed my body with a poisoned kiss
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed
You thought that was the end of the story
Something inside me called freedom came alive
Living in a world without you

You told me, my darling
Without me, you're nothing
You taught me to look in your eyes
And fed me your sweet lies

Suddenly someone was there in the window
Looking outside at the sky that had never been blue
Ah, there's a world without you
I see the light
Living in a world without you
Ah, there is hope to guide me
I will survive
Living in a world without you

It's hard to believe it came to this
You paralysed my body with a poisoned kiss
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed
You thought that was the end of the story
Something inside me called freedom came alive
Living in a world without you

You put me together
Then trashed me for pleasure
You used me again and again
Abused me, confused me

Suddenly naked I run through your garden
Right through the gates of the past and I'm finally free
Ah, there's a world without you
I see the light
Living in a world without you
Ah, there is hope to guide me
I will survive
Living in a world without you

It's hard to believe it came to this
You paralysed my body with a poisoned kiss
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed
You thought that was the end of the story
Something inside me called freedom came alive
Living in a world without you

It's hard to believe it came to this
You paralysed my body with a poisoned kiss
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed
You thought that was the end of the story
Something inside me called freedom came alive
Living in a world without you

Ah, there's a world without you
I see the light
Living in a world without you
Ah, there is hope to guide me
I will survive

I lick the gun when I'm done 'сause I know that revenge is sweet, so sweet...

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 Заглавие: Re: Любим текст
МнениеПубликувано на: 24 Окт 2009 02:38 
fallen angel

Регистриран на: 09 Сеп 2008 10:23
Мнения: 1048
Години: 30

Местоположение: Добрич
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 4 пъти
Don’t forget to remember me
Don’t forget (get get) to remember me
I’ll be back, so remember me
Please keep me in your mind
If we ever have to part
Don’t forget to remember me
Ey the king modern day Martin Luther, Malcomn X
I’m officially the freshest don’t dare forget
I’m gone, momentarily don’t bury me yet
Like Ali got I got title back prepare for dat
When the world needed tip
Ask where he was at
But when he need something back
Fade to black talk s*** behind his back
You a hater for that
I’m don’t expect nothing less
In the game with chess
You think 5 moves ahead and not behind
Niggas jumped up cheered when I got my time
Like yeah, one more year I got in the grind
But get me losing off your mind
Shorty may I remind you
That there aint another nigga
Who done been through what I been through
Time aftter time again you better get some in you
When you said it was over for him
And you thought he couldn’t continue to floss
Heres to your memory loss
Don’t forget (get get) to remember me
I’ll be back, so remember me
Please keep me in your mind
If we ever have to part
Don’t forget to remember me
They say out of sight is out of mind
And 9 times out of 10 me
And out of pocket out of line
You do it big everybody that you out shined
Then your old lady fate talk about how he got fine
She say she trying to get away
He say about time right now
We all thinking damn hope it not mine
But when its lights out for you and you locked down
Aint not telling whether or not your lady
When and got down With that town
Cause he hot now ripping up your love letters
lifting up her night gown
Right now somebody baby moma gettin piped down
Kids in the next room listening, ima pipe down
The thought hurt don’t it
But maybe she strong enough for aint get
That lonely cause you wasn’t gone long enough true
Its just a temporarily setback
Its on when I get back
Please don’t forget dat
Don’t forget (get get) to remember me
I’ll be back, so remember me
Please keep me in your mind
If we ever have to part
Don’t forget to remember me
I don’t mean to feel like this
Don’t mean to think like this
My heart just has to be shown
That the love that I give to you
That’s the love that I get from you
I need to be safe and secure
Don’t forget don’t forget to remember me
Please remember me
Everything I bring to this love love
Please keep me in your heart
If we ever have to part
Don’t forget (get) to remember me
Don’t you … forget about me

I lick the gun when I'm done 'сause I know that revenge is sweet, so sweet...

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