Бергон интернет и телевизия

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Автор:  c0l3c7i0n [ 12 Фев 2007 20:03 ]

Girl, Girl i'm going out of my mind (mind)
and even though i don’t really know you(you)
and plus I’m feeling i'm running out of time
I’m waiting for the moment i can show you (show you)
and baby girl I want you to know, I’m watchin' you go, I’m watchin' you pass me by

it's real love that you don’t know about...

1. Baby I was there all alone... When you'd be doing things I would watch you
I’d picture you and me all alone... I’m wishing you someone I can talk to
I got to get you out of my head but baby girl I got to see you once again (again)

Its real love that you don’t know about...
Its real love that you don’t know about...

Every now and now I go to sleep, i couldn't stop dreaming about you
your love is got me feeling kinda weak... i really can't see me without you
and now u're running around in my head I’m never gonna let you slip away again(again)

Its real love that you don’t know about...

Every now and then when I watch you... I wish that I could tell you that i want you
If I can have the chance to talk with to you... If I get the chance to walk with you
Then I would stop holding it in...And never have to go through this again (again)

It’s real love that you don’t know about...
It’s real love that you don’t know about...

2. Today when I saw you alone... I knew had to come up and approach you
Cuz girl I really got to let you know ...all about the things you made me go through
And now she looking at me in the eye and now you get me open and now you dreaming
Again (again)

It’s real love that you don’t know about...

Every now and then when I watch you... I wish that I could tell you that I want you
If I can have the chance to talk to with you… If I get the chance to walk with you
Then I would stop holding it in and never have to go through this again (again)

It’s real love that you don’t know about...
It’s real love that you don’t know about...

3. You’re the one that I wanna know that I can take it from me no no no
Even know I don’t really know you... I got а lot of love I wanna show you
And you'd be right there in front of me... I see you passing in front of me no no no
Girl I need your love ...baby I need your love!

Автор:  mariela [ 12 Фев 2007 20:03 ]

In these eyes
More than words
More than anything that I spoken
As the skies turned to gray
My hopes is just about to crack open

So the story goes
There’s something you should know
Before I walk away
and I blow the ending

and I never wanna be with out you
Oh no, hear I go
Now you know
What I feel about you
there’s no ending
I must have been wrong with out chu (You)
Oh no
There I go
No control
And I’m fallen
So now you know

Feel so right
Craving oxygen
On this ….. left me empty
Will you run
Can you handle it
Cause I need you to tell me
Maybe this is bold
But I’m hoping you’ll stay for the happy ending

and I never wanna be with out you
Oh no, hear I go
Now you know
What I feel about you
there’s no ending
I must have been wrong to doubt chu (You)
Oh no
There I go
No control
And I’m fallen
So now you know

No I won’t look back
When I tell you what I think about chu (You)
No I won’t look back
When I tell you what I think about chu (You)

So the story goes
You already know
So don’t be a fool
And go spoil the ending

and I never wanna be with out you
Oh no, hear I go
Now you know
What I feel about chu (you)
there’s no ending
I must have been wrong to doubt chu (You)
Oh no
There I go
No control
And I’m fallen
So now you know
[Chorus- Repeat twice]

Автор:  VaLerian`ka [ 12 Фев 2007 20:07 ]

I find it kinda sad,
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had,
I find it hard to tell you,
I find it hard to take,
when people run in circles,
It's a very very,
mad world

Автор:  t0xIc [ 12 Фев 2007 22:24 ]

Бах тоя Дони Дарко.
Иначе ей тва напоследък слушам

The lonliest place is at your gate
Through the crowd searching for your face
My heart is now your trophy
Read like a self addressed postcard
My heart stops beating when yours starts
My heart is now your trophy

It occured to me today
Hand to pen to callous these thoughts away
Distance carried herself well
A phone call and im honestly compelled

At gate thirty five i hear her say goodbye
(This is your last chance to say)
One more layover in phoenix tonight
(This is your last chance to stay)

These excuses have become antiques
And im fast to see nothing you've seen
My heart is now your trophy
It was never eye to eye
Staring at your calloused heart like mine
My heart is now your trophy

It occured to me today
Hand to pen to callous these thoughts away
Distance carried herself well
A phone call and im honestly compelled

At gate thirty five i hear her say goodbye
(This is your last chance to say)
One more layover in phoenix tonight
(This is your last chance to stay)

Автор:  EyesWideShut [ 12 Фев 2007 22:28 ]

MinX написа:
EyesWideShut написа:
Phobia написа:
Every face I see is cold as ice,
Everything I touch is pale
Ever since I lost imagination
Like a stream that flows into the sea
I am lost for all eternity
Ever since you took your love away from me!

Sometimes the sound of goodbye
Is louder than any drumbeat!

Ще си търся правата да знаеш ;)
Идеята ти за тази плоска шега беше обречена още преди да се появи на бял свят. Първо, защото си се отклонила от пътя на логиката и най-вече от моите думи.
Второ, защото аз и сестра ми, макар да живеем под един покрив, сме отделни индивиди и е по-коректно да ни възприемаш като такива, т.е. аз не отговарям за нейните действия и тя не отговаря за моите.
И трето, защото се очаква, че започнеш ли да се шегуваш с нещо, ще го повтаряш минимум половин година, не заради нещо друго - в стила ти е да бъдеш банална, омална и почти никога оригинална.
Предполагам, мога да кажа всичко това в още по-прав текст, с още по-елементарни думи и съм готова да го направя, ако и този път не схванеш какво очаквам от теб.
Благодаря за трийсетте секунди слава :)

Мда, толкова ти е славата...30 секунди ;) Пробвай да вложиш още малко интелект, вкарай малко повече драма и може да вдигнеш на минута :bye:

Автор:  t0xIc [ 12 Фев 2007 22:37 ]

Охо - интрига. Ъгейн :)

Автор:  EyesWideShut [ 12 Фев 2007 22:40 ]

t0xIc написа:
Охо - интрига. Ъгейн :)

Имаш малко време да дотичаш до магазина за пуканки и бира, докато още не се е развихрила ;)

Автор:  MinX [ 12 Фев 2007 22:52 ]

Thievery Corporation - Until The Morning

I keep on fear, keep on loathing
Nothing brings it on I keep on falling
Decide what it is I can not find
It's subsides what you make it
Never feel like you're gonna break it
It's gonna be alright
Sleep until the morning comes..
The sun will warm your soul
Sleep until the morning comes for you
Til the morning it's alright
I can walk into the sunlight, into the day, into the day, to the day
I feel it falling, nothing comes to my mind
Bring it on in a different tide
I feel alright, alright
I feel strong, I feel rigid
It's nothing to do with the vision
Oh, feels so right, so right
Sleep on tight
Sleep until the sunlight
Sleep on tight, til the sunlight burns you happy
Til the sunlight burns you happy, till the sunlight burns a happy hole in your heart
In your heart...

Автор:  t0xIc [ 12 Фев 2007 23:04 ]

Аз съм запасил винаги за всеки случай:)

Автор:  EyesWideShut [ 12 Фев 2007 23:05 ]

Yes, уА! Най-сетне проумя(учудващо, но факт)! ЮхуУ :clap:

От мен това:
Alanis Morissette

An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic...dontcha think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought...it figures

Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice..."
And isn't it ironic...dontcha think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought...it figures

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face

A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...dontcha think
A little too ironic...and yeah I really do think...

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought...it figures

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out


Автор:  TiMaKa [ 12 Фев 2007 23:31 ]

t0xIc написа:
Охо - интрига. Ъгейн :)

donesi i na men bira posle :D

Автор:  psYgone [ 13 Фев 2007 02:58 ]

Ето я и нея любовта
изникна като пролетни цветя,
толкова е реална и мечтана тя,
даде ми криле да полетя
да погледна и да разбера
колко много мъка и тъга
се е настанила в твоята душа.
Предизвика ме да те желая
с твоя облик и финна красота
изведнъж изчезна във безкрая
обзет от мрачна тъмнота
Издигна се като звезда в небето
ясна и една
вечер гледам към полето
и се моля, "нека падне тя..."
Колко беше хубаво когато
озаряваше душата с чистота
сърцето биеше богато
притежаващо от твойта красота
Къде си ти сега?
къде отиде ти Мечта?
спри! не бягай от реалността
бъди смела и ела... Хвани ме за ръка.

Автор:  [[lonely]] [ 13 Фев 2007 10:34 ]

EyesWideShut написа:

An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic...dontcha think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought...it figures

Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice..."
And isn't it ironic...dontcha think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought...it figures

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face

A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...dontcha think
A little too ironic...and yeah I really do think...

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought...it figures

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out


:okey: :ok: :okey:

Автор:  Archangel [ 13 Фев 2007 10:36 ]

я да видим, кой слуша Аланис Морисет тук ? :)

Автор:  [[lonely]] [ 13 Фев 2007 12:51 ]

I looked at your face
I saw that all the love had died
I saw that we had forgotten to take the time

I, I saw that you couldn't care less about what you do
You couldn't care less about the lies
You couldn't find the time to cry

We forgot about love
We forgot about faith
We forgot about trust
We forgot about us

Now our love's floating out the window
Our love's floating out the back door
Our love's floating up in the sky,
In heaven, where it began
Back in God's hands

You said that you had said all that you had to say
You say: baby, it's the end of the day

We gave a lot but it wasn't enough
We got so tired that we just gave up

Now our love's floating out the window
Our love's floating out the back door
Our love's floating up in the sky,
In heaven, where it began
Back in God's hands, back in God's hands

We didn't respect it
We went and neglect it
We didn't deserve it
But I never expected this

Our love floated out the window
Our love floated out the back door
Our love floated up in the sky,
to heaven, it's part of a plan
it's back in God's hands, back in God's hands

oh we didn't last, it's a thing of the past
no we didn't understand just what we had
oh I want it back, just what we had
I want it back, just what we had

so beautiful

Автор:  MinX [ 13 Фев 2007 14:22 ]

EyesWideShut написа:
Yes, уА! Най-сетне проумя(учудващо, но факт)! ЮхуУ :clap:
А ти цяла вечер refresh-ваш в очакване на моя отговор?! Пх..
Но да, права си - разбрах, че нямаш проблеми с моята теза - дори не се опита да я оспориш. Единственото, което можеш да кажеш в своя защита, са някакви дребнави подмятания и "уА"-кания :)
Очевидно инатът ти надделява над принципите и нямаш нищо против инфантилото си поведение. Щом те радва, продължавай си.
Не си падам по изгубените каузи като спор с радиото, например.
So, you're ignored

Автор:  cMoTaH` [ 13 Фев 2007 15:34 ]

големи сладурани , хах

Автор:  EyesWideShut [ 13 Фев 2007 21:05 ]

Archangel написа:
я да видим, кой слуша Аланис Морисет тук ? :)

Намират се ;) Поздравявам теб и lonely-то именно с Ironic ;)

P.S. MinX, не знам аз колко съм омална и банална, ама ти вече не се траеш.Ае, усети се вече и просто млъкни.Все се буташ да минеш за умна и зряла, но поне веднъж ни накарай да повярваме в това.Двете с теб станахме нарицателно за целия форум и то заради твоето самолюбие и жажда за слава.Ignored съм била...не ме разсмивай, сигурно получаваш нервни спазми като ми чуеш името.Чудя се какво е нужно, за да спреш да ме занимаваш със себе си...Дали има антивирусна, която да се справи с теб?
...Не, това е реторичен въпрос...не ми отговаряй!Направи услуга на мен и на себе си...и най-вече на всички останали, избави ги от дългите лилави романи.

Автор:  t0xIc [ 13 Фев 2007 21:20 ]

Както писах добре ,че винаги съм заредил хладилника с нужните провизии:) :loving:

HATEBREED - Spitting Venom

Album: Supremacy (2006)

Spitting Venom!

Here lies another grudge,
Another score never settled,
For many who lead a life of resentment,
Filled with foolish pride
Fighting the world but they're all
Feeble minds spit the venom in me,
Reliving their grievances day in day out,
Living with all the shame that their life has spit out!

I'll spit my venom in the eyes of your world,
Alone and provoked, your anger is deep
Shaped and enraged, filled with indignation,
Believe what you may, [seek/say] what you will,
I'll spit my venom in the eyes of your world,
Spit! spit! spit!
I'll spit my venom in the eyes of your world,
Spitting venom in the eyes of the world.

(???) with your empty threats,
Identity always concealed,
Spineless cowards soon to be revealed,
Choose your conflicts, try again and fail,
Expression of fear from the lives you lived,
You stay here to lose again, you always will,
I am ???

I'll spit my venom in the eyes of your world
Alone and provoked, this anger is deep (???)
Shaped and enraged, filled with indignation,
Believe what you may, [seek/say] what you will,
I'll spit my venom in the eyes of your world,
Spit! spit! spit!
I'll spit my venom in the eyes of your world,
Spitting venom in the eyes of the world

Автор:  c0l3c7i0n [ 13 Фев 2007 21:21 ]

I wanna fuck you,fuck you
you already know............

Автор:  EyesWideShut [ 13 Фев 2007 21:58 ]

През покривите на къщите тихо пълзеше топлината на зимата. Формите губеха остротата си под малки купчини сняг. Снежният човек в двора на къщата
белееше, самотно сгушен в трите си грижливо оформени топки. По небето пропълзя сияние, за миг озари върховете на нощта и тихо изчезна, за да остави
аромата на... приказка. Времето безшумно отмерваше часовете, в които се случват вълшебства...
В снега оставяше дири едно ярко червено сърце, което безцелно обикаляше улиците на спящия град. Слабият му ритъм едва се долавяше в тишината на
зимната нощ. То подритна вяло снега, погледна снежният човек, усмихна му се и се зачуди дали да спре.

- Да не смяташ да спираш?- попита Снежният човек, усетил намеренията му.
- Май... няма голямо значение- тихо отвърна Сърцето.
- Тъжно е да видиш спряло сърце, особено през зимата.
- Май наистина няма чак толкова голямо значение- още по- тихо каза Сърцето.
- Трябва да говориш по- силно, ако искаш да те чуя!- посъветва го Снежният човек и припряно пооправи моркова си. Нещо в това малко същество го
притесняваше. Помисли си, че не му се случва всяка нощ да види самотно сърце, което на всичкото отгоре се кани да спира.
Тази мисъл го стресна и той започна да говори още по- силно:

- Виж сега... Не може да спираш посред зима... Така де, студено е! То и да е топло, пак не бива да спираш... И изобщо... Защо ще спираш???
- Май наистина няма...
Но този път Снежният човек изобщо не можа да долови края на изречението. Започна да усеща как лека- полека започва да губи малка част от теглото си.
Понамести двете сливи, които заемаха мястото на очите и, изпаднал в най- голямата паника, в която може да изпадне един Снежен човек, започна да вика:

- Толкова приятно студено е! И бездруго животът ми не е от най- дългите, не е честно да вземеш спреш във най- вълшебната част на нощта! Нямаш ли
- Тъжно ми е. Обаче, не ми е студено. Ти ме стопли. Това значи ли, че трябва да съм твоето сърце?
- Не... Ъ, да...- Снежният човек се обърка. Вече съвсем не знаеше как да говори с това малко сърце- Ще опитам от начало. Аз съм снежен човек, а
снежните човеци нямат сърца. Мисля, че всеки го знае. Ние оживяваме от вярата на децата, които ни правят. Напролет всичко свършва.
- Кратко и ясно- каза Сърцето.
- Просто и ясно!- поправи го Снежният човек.
- И... и е тъжно.
Снежният човек се замисли. Обичаше живота си такъв, какъвто е- кратък, бял и тих... Имаше своята зима и тя му беше достатъчна.

- Искаш ли да направиш нещо за мен?- внезапно поде Снежният човек- Искаш ли да ми разкажеш за... За пролетта... Двамата затвориха очи. Сърцето остави
тишината да се разходи помежду им, хвана я под ръка, а после гласът му тихо изплува от нея.
- Тя идва с ароматите си. Настанява се в равнините и запретва ръкави. Обича да боядисва- тук ще избере оранжево, там- жълто, после- розово. Нахална и
зелена. Истерично зелена! Прелита над клоните на дърветата, проверява гнездата на птиците и ги кара да пеят... А те пеят, пеят! Посрещат я. Тя ги
милва нежно и продължава да разтребва. Стъпкте й събуждат земята, тревата. Слънцето... Ех, Слънцето... Такава е тя! Слънцето, да... Топло е.
Сърцето блажено отвори очи. Стресна се и се огледа наоколо. Беше само! Малка вада струеше от мястото, където Снежният човек затвори очите си, за да
слуша за пролетта. Вадата криволичеше по земята, боязливо докосваше Сърцето и бързо попиваше в пръстта.

Пролетта изпрати първите си топли дни.

Странно, нали? Да, текст е...и ще ви въздейства много повече на фона на "музиката", уверявам ви!

Автор:  EyesWideShut [ 13 Фев 2007 22:03 ]

Самотен ден от безмълвната вечност
остави в мен безчувствени мечти.
Тъй искрен бе моментът за двама
с искащи, блуждаещи очи

Това е приказка една ...

И времето играеше драма
абсурдът бе комедия една,
а ролите със образи бели,
костюмите потънали в тъга

Това е приказка една ...

Цигарен дим,
мастилница празна
И приказка за стари времена

Това е приказка една ..

Автор:  t0xIc [ 13 Фев 2007 22:57 ]

Който познае - шоколадче КУма Лиса. Мега добри текстове


It kills me, when I think about it
Its saddening to picture you in pain
There?s nothing that could ever change the way I feel
And no one will ever take your place

Its bondage, the way you torture me
But I love how you kept me on my knees
Collapsing on your naked stomach
Im so weak with out you

Its just cold with out you


There was a time when i could believe the future was bright and unjaded
Now things have changed and im not the same
everything clear slowly fading

God forbid, you should have to see things my way
God forbid, you should feel the same
God forbid, you should never walk in my shows
God forbid, you should never know my name
You will never know, you could never know the pain

Lines on my face scars on my soul
Running in place getting older
Everyones fake and nothing is real
If this is a game I surrender

God forbid you should have to see things my way
God forbid you should feel the same
God forbid you should never walk in my shows
God forbid you should never know hate
You will never know, you could never know

Lost here with you, lost here without you

God forbid, you should have to see things my way
God forbid you should feel the same
God forbid you should never walk in my shoes
God forbid you should never know
You should never know the pain
The pain


Its been a long dark road but i remember when it meant the world ot me,
Its been a long dark day and a cold black night and it still gets hard to see,
Cause they dont know me and they never will,
Its been a long dark road i still remember why it took so much out of me,
Its a shallow pond we're swimming in and it makes it hard to breath,
Cause they dont know me and they never will
No they dont know why or how it feels to live
Its been a long dark road and i rememeber skies that weren't so a hard to see,
its been a long dark day and i remember nights that made me, me
Cause they dont know me and they never will
and they dont know why or how it feels to live


Автор:  Razor [ 13 Фев 2007 23:16 ]

как ще го получа :)

Автор:  [[lonely]] [ 13 Фев 2007 23:24 ]


Автор:  Chain Gang [ 13 Фев 2007 23:24 ]

" Eminem feat. Trick Trick - Welcome to Detroyt City "
Welcome to mothefucking Detroyt now damn it wanted boy shit
ye-ye Trickeey lets show some love welcome to Detroyt...

ne mi sa pi6i natatak 4e trqq lqgam 4e utre sym u pandizqqq-daskaloto

Автор:  Slash [ 13 Фев 2007 23:47 ]

Slipknot - Wait And Bleed
I've felt the hate rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander out where you can't see
Inside my shell I wait and bleed

I've felt the hate rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander out where you can't see
Inside my shell I wait and bleed


I wipe it off the tile, the light is brighter this
Everything is 3-D blasphemy
My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing
straight up
This is not the way I pictured me
I can't control my shakes!
How the hell did I get here?
Something about this, so very wrong
I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this
Is it a dream or a memory?

I've felt the hate rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander out where you can't see
Inside my shell I wait and bleed

Why didn't I see this?
I'm a victim--Manchurian Candidate
Makin my mind up and takin your breath away

I've felt the hate rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander out where you can't see
Inside my shell I wait and bleed

I've felt the hate rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander out where you can't see
Inside my shell I wait and bleed


You haven't learned a thing
I haven't changed a thing
The flesh was in my bones
The pain runs always free

You haven't learned a thing
I haven't changed a thing
The flesh was in my bones
The pain runs always free

I've felt the hate rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander out where you can't see
Inside my shell I wait and bleed

I've felt the hate rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander out where you can't see
Inside my shell I wait and bleed



Автор:  t0xIc [ 13 Фев 2007 23:53 ]

Razor написа:
как ще го получа :)


Автор:  batista [ 14 Фев 2007 22:37 ]

Просто съм влюбен в тоя текст :loving: :loving: :loving:

Bon Jovi - In These Arms
(J. Bon Jovi, R. Sambora, D. Bryan)

You want commitment
Take a look into these eyes
They burn with fire (yeah)
Until the end of time
I would do anything
I'd beg, I'd steal, I'd die
To have you in these arms tonight

Baby I want you
Like the roses want the rain
You know I need you
Like a poet needs the pain
And I would give anything
My blood, my love, my life
If you were in these arms tonight

I'd hold you
I'd need you
I'd get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright
If you were in these arms
I'd love you
I'd please you
I'd tell you that I'll never leave you
And love you 'till the end of time
If you were in these arms tonight
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Автор:  t0xIc [ 15 Фев 2007 15:38 ]

look at me all i am is a thorn in society victim of someone's misused authority but when i close my eyes i get a vision of how i leave this all behind you gotta be yourself in this world of conformity there's nothing left if you can't keep your sanity look in my eyes as i fade away i am rising above this rising above this and now i see how it should be out of the darkness i'm crashing down on my knees inside i cannot hide my own existence is reaching out for me to find the truth buried in you meaningless is this life that we live if we can't stay strong try to hold on never will i be hollow now i feel this presence upon me for all that i am i just can't explain this absence of anger is making me strong and i cannot blame you for not believing as long as you know what i say is true inside are the answers you'll find them inside of YOU peace of mind is all i'm asking for when trying to survive i need it more and more you wanna see the truth then open up your eyes you'll find the answers to all your questions deep inside but there's a part of me that you just can't see its burning deep inside and every day it seems to make me understand what i've been put here for i am rising above this rising above this and now i see how it should be out of the darkness i'm crashing down on my knees inside i cannot hide my own existence is reaching out for me to find the truth buried in you meaningless is this life that we live if we can't stay strong try to hold on never will i be hollow now i feel this presence upon me for all that i am i just can't explain this absence of anger is making me strong and i cannot blame you for not believing as long as you know what i say is true inside are the answers you'll find them inside of YOU now i can see its the right time and now time to release the anger and now you need to be reminded that you cannot run from the truth tell me how to mend what is broken show me what you have spoken life is one big question you must learn these lessons never give up and never fall from your own life never give up and never fall from your own life never give up and never fall from your own life never give up and never fall from your own life now i feel this presence upon me for all that i am i just can't explain this absence of anger is making me strong and i cannot blame you for not believing as long as you know what i say is true inside are the answers you'll find them inside of YOU stand up for every thing you believe stand up for every thing you believe stand up for every thing you believe stand up stand up stand up for every thing you believe stand up for every thing you believe stand up for every thing you believe stand up stand up

Its just another day these mindless games we play they always seem to bring me down so low again what this is all about I’ll never figure out I always feel so disconnected / when you start to see remember me these words I speak won’t set me free where did I go wrong where did I go wrong / you look into my eyes you think you read my soul but you don’t even seem to know your self you hide behind your lies you think that your so great you make me feel so disconnected / when you start to see remember me these words I speak won’t set me free where did I go wrong where did I go wrong / open up your eyes tell me what you see when you’ve lost it all just remember me everything we do comes back in the end once you realize you can start to mend / when you start to see remember me these words I speak won’t set me free where did I go wrong where did I go wrong

take a look into my mind tell me how to beat this consistent pain loneliness is all I see I want to know if I will rise above this I want to know watch me fall / I’m still alive but I’m losing control release my fear and everything that you told me as it seems I have fallen in to this see through world has become you / never will I feel the same all alone I’m trying to understand why this world will never change why cant you see that everyone is dying why cant you see watch me fall / I’m still alive but I’m losing control release my fear and everything that you told me as it seems I have fallen in to this see through world has become you / and you say its my fault that I’m losing my mind scarred on the inside and you say its my fault that you cannot relate your powered by hate for yourself no cannot no cannot be cannot be be just like you no cannot no cannot be cannot be be just like you no cannot no cannot be cannot be be just like you no cannot no cannot be cannot be the same / I’m still alive but I’m losing control release my fear and everything that you told me as it seems I have fallen in to this see through world has now become you / this world just doesn’t seem to care has now become you / this pain is getting hard to bare has now become you / this world just doesn’t seem to care / has now become you this pain is getting hard to bare / has now become YOU

there's a place deep inside where sometimes i try to hide but i know that i can't stay for too long there's no escape no release holds me down till i can't breathe no one seems to understand the way i am now i feel so messed up again take it all away these walls are closing in and its making me feel so far away everything all i own i would give it all to know what it's like to be myself once again so now i try to believe on my own i will defeat all this fear that has hurt me for so long now

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