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 Заглавие: lens error,restart camera
МнениеПубликувано на: 29 Сеп 2008 23:00 

Регистриран на: 30 Мар 2004 04:14
Мнения: 41
Местоположение: Dobrich
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Фотоапарата ми е CANON A550.Проблема му е ,че като го стартирам не се отваря обектива и излиза това: lens error,restart camera
Некви чалъми за отстраняване на такъв сорт проблемации да знаете?

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МнениеПубликувано на: 29 Сеп 2008 23:22 
blood sugar

Регистриран на: 03 Юни 2008 08:12
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излиза един червен прозорец нали ? и при моя се получава така , като направя някаква комбинация от копчета , в момента на пускането :> , ама със спиране и пускане се оправя ;)

при теб , това постоянно ли е ? o.O

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МнениеПубликувано на: 30 Сеп 2008 11:10 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 23 Ное 2004 16:16
Мнения: 1136
Години: 56

Местоположение: Добрич - България
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Изтървал ли си го, има ли си калъф и влиза ли прахоляк вътре. В смисъл в чанта или торба го държиш. Ако е в гаранция носи го там, ако не е чети тук. На Английски език е:

For those of you who aren't under warranty and want to try fixing this yourselves, there are some 'homemade' methods that have worked for other users in the past. That doesn't mean they'll work for you, and if you don't feel comfortable banging your camera around or doing this stuff, I'd advise calling a repair shop and at least getting an estimate. If the camera wasn't dropped or abused, the maker (particularly if it's Canon) may just possibly repair it for free if they think it's a manufacturing error that caused it. Probably not, but it's worth asking before you do any tinkering.

But... if the estimate is more than the cost of the camera (which may happen if it's old enough), or if you just want to try, here are a few methods that might help.

1. If you can get the camera to turn on, go into the Setup menu and do a factory reset/ restore defaults. If you can't get it to turn on, remove the batteries, wait a few minutes, then put them back in. If you are just getting the error message and the lens isn't making a weird grinding noise or anything, what you have may just be a technical glitch, and doing one of these two things may put it back to normal. Try this first.

2. Didn't work? OK. Next idea: take a look at where the USB plugs into the camera on the side; if it's a Canon, there should be a soft padded cover there. Take that side and rap the padded part gently against a table top. Sometimes this works, I don't know why.

3. Next idea: If your lens moves at all when the camera is turned on, watch how it moves. Does it come out and then back in? If so, turn it on and, as it comes out, grab it and hold it for a few seconds, preventing it from going back in; then let it go. You may also try holding it a few centimeters above a table top, and as it comes out, let it hit the table top and be forced back in before it is fully out.

Those are the top things that seem to work for people. But... if they don't work for you, there's still more you can try.

Here's the thing: most of these errors that you all are getting are related; the 'lens error, restart camera' is very similar to Canon's old e18 error, and various other manufacturers have the same issues. So even if you're not seeing the E18 error message on a Canon camera, the problem you're having is very similar to that one. So take a look at http://www.e18error.com/repair.html

That website outlines multiple methods to fix the E18 error (and therefore similar lens errors). Some of those methods I've just described here, but there are others, right down to a guide on how to dismantle your camera. Read that site carefully as it explains things in pretty good detail, and give them all a shot and see if anything works.

Good luck!

Или това:
it worked for my problem, when i officially gave up hope.
hold your camera parallel to the floor with the lens facing upwards.
there should be two silver rings that the lens is surrounded by.
push and twist left on the outer ring WHILE holding the power button.
it took me two tries, but it worked!

И ако излезе обектива внимателно го почисти от фин прах / не лещите/.


Конституция на РБ.
Чл. 36.
(1) Изучаването и ползването на българския език е право и задължение на българските граждани.

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МнениеПубликувано на: 30 Сеп 2008 11:31 

Регистриран на: 30 Мар 2004 04:14
Мнения: 41
Местоположение: Dobrich
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 0 пъти
platinum написа:
Изтървал ли си го, има ли си калъф и влиза ли прахоляк вътре. В смисъл в чанта или торба го държиш. Ако е в гаранция носи го там, ако не е чети тук. На Английски език е:

For those of you who aren't under warranty and want to try fixing this yourselves, there are some 'homemade' methods that have worked for other users in the past. That doesn't mean they'll work for you, and if you don't feel comfortable banging your camera around or doing this stuff, I'd advise calling a repair shop and at least getting an estimate. If the camera wasn't dropped or abused, the maker (particularly if it's Canon) may just possibly repair it for free if they think it's a manufacturing error that caused it. Probably not, but it's worth asking before you do any tinkering.

But... if the estimate is more than the cost of the camera (which may happen if it's old enough), or if you just want to try, here are a few methods that might help.

1. If you can get the camera to turn on, go into the Setup menu and do a factory reset/ restore defaults. If you can't get it to turn on, remove the batteries, wait a few minutes, then put them back in. If you are just getting the error message and the lens isn't making a weird grinding noise or anything, what you have may just be a technical glitch, and doing one of these two things may put it back to normal. Try this first.

2. Didn't work? OK. Next idea: take a look at where the USB plugs into the camera on the side; if it's a Canon, there should be a soft padded cover there. Take that side and rap the padded part gently against a table top. Sometimes this works, I don't know why.

3. Next idea: If your lens moves at all when the camera is turned on, watch how it moves. Does it come out and then back in? If so, turn it on and, as it comes out, grab it and hold it for a few seconds, preventing it from going back in; then let it go. You may also try holding it a few centimeters above a table top, and as it comes out, let it hit the table top and be forced back in before it is fully out.

Those are the top things that seem to work for people. But... if they don't work for you, there's still more you can try.

Here's the thing: most of these errors that you all are getting are related; the 'lens error, restart camera' is very similar to Canon's old e18 error, and various other manufacturers have the same issues. So even if you're not seeing the E18 error message on a Canon camera, the problem you're having is very similar to that one. So take a look at http://www.e18error.com/repair.html

That website outlines multiple methods to fix the E18 error (and therefore similar lens errors). Some of those methods I've just described here, but there are others, right down to a guide on how to dismantle your camera. Read that site carefully as it explains things in pretty good detail, and give them all a shot and see if anything works.

Good luck!

Или това:
it worked for my problem, when i officially gave up hope.
hold your camera parallel to the floor with the lens facing upwards.
there should be two silver rings that the lens is surrounded by.
push and twist left on the outer ring WHILE holding the power button.
it took me two tries, but it worked!

И ако излезе обектива внимателно го почисти от фин прах / не лещите/.

Има си калъф и не съм го изтървал,но все пак не изключвам варианта за замърсяване или механичен удар.Цяло лято съм си го носил нон-стоп с мен в чантата,но не му се е случвало нещо фрапиращо.Гаранцията в Технополис не ми я признават.
Това от текста,който си дал съм го правил многократно.Просто след шибаната грешка "lens error,restart camera ",апарата се самоизключва.Явно е някаква защита или поне така си мисля. :(

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МнениеПубликувано на: 30 Сеп 2008 11:58 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 23 Ное 2004 16:16
Мнения: 1136
Години: 56

Местоположение: Добрич - България
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 4 пъти
Ами остава възможноста да чакаш и да пробваш още методи, които разбира се да не включват разглобяване или по-сериозни интервенции. А можеш да опиташ да потърсиш Canon центъра в София /за Варна не съм сигурен/ и да се разбереш с тях. Все пак за ремонт на такава техника си трябва майстор. На братовчед ми му оправиха апарата там. Беше се "нагълтал" с влага и го бяха отписали изобщо.


Конституция на РБ.
Чл. 36.
(1) Изучаването и ползването на българския език е право и задължение на българските граждани.

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