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Автор:  Xpucka` [ 06 Юни 2007 10:21 ]

Jericho not dead after all?

TVGuide.com reports "multiple sources" are saying that CBS is in talks to bring back sci-fi show; LA Times confirms story.

If TVGuide.com's Michael Ausiello is correct, it appears that CBS executives may be listening to the pleas of its viewers.

The gossip hound says that "multiple sources" have indicated that CBS is very close to greenlighting a deal to bring the Skeet Ulrich vehicle back to the airwaves. The agreement would allegedly bring the show back for eight episodes, possibly as soon as mid-season.

When CBS left Jericho off its 2007-2008 schedule, fans of the show went ballistic. Online petitions were signed, message boards were flooded, and CBS execs had their e-mail boxes bloated with pleas to renew the show.

But the most creative ploy saw fans sending nuts to the corporate offices in defiance. The idea was spawned from the show, when Ulrich's character replied "Nuts!" to a neighboring city offering the post-apocalyptic town a surrender. The phrase "Nuts" was borrowed from US general Anthony C. McAuliffe, who said the same thing to German forces during World War II.

Online retailer NutsOnline.com got in on the act, offering discounts to fans who wanted to send heaps and heaps of nuts to CBS, and the Jericho fanatics gladly took them up on their offer. According to the Web site, 39,279 pounds of peanuts have been shipped.

As far as extending the number of episodes, eight would not be enough for Jericho producer and creator Carol Barbee, according to the Los Angeles Times.

"The idea would not be to bring it for eight and out, but to bring it back for eight with the hope that it would keep going," Barbee told the LA Times. "They're making deals with the actors and there's other logistical stuff to work out too. Swingtown was supposed to take over the same stages so it's a lot about the logistics of how to work out a schedule that works for all of us."

Автор:  ^HellBoy_^ [ 18 Дек 2007 00:13 ]

Кво стана с тоя сериал?

Автор:  Marcos [ 01 Фев 2008 19:26 ]

Излезли са 3 нови серий от 2-ри сезон
Ще ги кача веднага щом ги дръпна , има субтитри за 1-ва серия (:

Jericho is aliveeeee :)

Автор:  toxic89bomb [ 02 Фев 2008 10:40 ]

Marcos написа:
Излезли са 3 нови серий от 2-ри сезон
Ще ги кача веднага щом ги дръпна , има субтитри за 1-ва серия (:

Jericho is aliveeeee :)

какво стана изтеглили ги ;)

Автор:  DarkFalcon [ 02 Фев 2008 13:03 ]

Who the fuck is Jericho

Автор:  Pavel_rx8 [ 02 Фев 2008 19:23 ]

какво стана някой изтеглили първите три серии

Автор:  Marcos [ 02 Фев 2008 20:12 ]

http://freeftp.bergon.net/rack5/users/u ... 2002%2003/

Автор:  Marcos [ 02 Фев 2008 21:15 ]

DarkFalcon написа:
Who the fuck is Jericho

Говорим за сериала ;)

Автор:  ^HellBoy_^ [ 14 Фев 2008 17:28 ]

http://subs.sab.bz/index.php?s=08205fb1 ... h_id=15790

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