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Автор:  -HeMa_ucTuHa- [ 05 Сеп 2007 03:16 ]

на всички лоши хора майка ви даеба..

..национално пого...вас 240 депутата и българските метъли да оправят нещата..

Автор:  intrIgA [ 05 Сеп 2007 03:29 ]

Ако питаш мен за никЪв хуй не ставаш..

Автор:  Phobia [ 09 Сеп 2007 18:19 ]

You're my best friend in the world
Just like me you don't do
Anything you're told (:

Автор:  batista [ 09 Сеп 2007 22:02 ]

За последен път виждам
Утрото в твоите очи
Вали тъжен дъжд
По запостелите улици
Ти припомними ми,
Че обичала си ме някога

:I miss you: :I miss you: :I miss you:

Автор:  aneela [ 09 Сеп 2007 22:04 ]
Заглавие:  ?!

batista написа:
За последен път виждам
Утрото в твоите очи
Вали тъжен дъжд
По запостелите улици
Ти припомними ми,
Че обичала си ме някога

:I miss you: :I miss you: :I miss you:


От коя песен беше това? :O_o:

Автор:  batista [ 09 Сеп 2007 22:06 ]
Заглавие:  Re: ?!

aneela написа:
batista написа:
За последен път виждам
Утрото в твоите очи
Вали тъжен дъжд
По запостелите улици
Ти припомними ми,
Че обичала си ме някога

:I miss you: :I miss you: :I miss you:


От коя песен беше това? :O_o:

Графа - Давам Всичко За Теб :inlove:

Автор:  Desi^_^ [ 09 Сеп 2007 22:43 ]

Ще те обичам от Ада.
Всеки от нас тръгна по свои път
и ти и аз сме изправени пред страшен
и ще боли щом разделени са сърцата ни.
А в Ада и Рая са телата ни!

Автор:  batista [ 10 Сеп 2007 13:30 ]

Знаеш ли какво е болка,
безумната жестока болка,
от болката сърцето ми кърви.
Знаеш ли какво е болка,
изгаряща зловеща болка,
не искам никога така да те боли,
така да те боли,
така да те боли.

:I miss you: :I miss you: :I miss you:

Автор:  Sorceresss` [ 10 Сеп 2007 14:12 ]


Автор:  Undead_Warrior [ 10 Сеп 2007 14:40 ]

In these fields I've always grown
Digging the blackness from my mind
I will die all alone

Автор:  Jem [ 10 Сеп 2007 14:48 ]

on candystripe legs the spiderman comes
softly through the shadow of the evening sun
stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
looking for the victim shivering in bed
searching out fear in the gathering gloom and
a movement in the corner of the room!
and there is nothing i can do
when i realize with fright
that the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight!

quietly he laughs and shaking his head
creeps closer now
closer to the foot of the bed
and softer than shadow and quicker than flies
his arms are all around me and his tongue in my eyes
"be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy
don't struggle like that or i will only love you more
for it's much too late to get away or turn on the light
the spiderman is having you for dinner tonight"

and i feel like i'm being eaten
by a thousand million shivering furry holes
and i know that in the morning i will wake up
in the shivering cold

and the spiderman is always hungry...

Автор:  Shaddy [ 12 Сеп 2007 10:43 ]

Voce mata porque ja nasceu morto
Sangue morto, amaldiçoado

Автор:  Phobia [ 13 Сеп 2007 13:52 ]

Отровени хора, отровени улици,
плачещи птици летят.
Полудели сезони се сменят в живота ни
и всички към хаоса вървят.

Автор:  batista [ 13 Сеп 2007 13:54 ]

I cried and cried every night
There were nights that I died for you baby
I tried and I tried to deny it that your love drove me crazy baby

If the love that I got for you is gone
If the river I've cried ain't that long
Then I'm wrong yeah I'm wrong
This ain't a love song :byez:

Автор:  batista [ 13 Сеп 2007 13:59 ]

Baby I want you
Like the roses want the rain
You know I need you
Like a poet needs the pain
And I would give anything
My blood, my love, my life
If you were in these arms tonight :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Автор:  Kpac [ 13 Сеп 2007 18:35 ]

Son las cinco de la manana
Y no he dormido nada
Just thinkin' 'bout your beauty
Got me crazy in the head
El insomnio es mi castigo
Tu amor sera´mi alivio
Until you're in my arms, girl
I can have no peace in bed

Автор:  batista [ 14 Сеп 2007 01:49 ]

It's Amazing
With the blink of an eye you finally see the light
It's Amazing
When the moment arrives that you know you'll be alright
It's Amazing
And I'm sayin' a prayer for the desperate hearts tonight

That one last shot's a Permanent Vacation
And how high can you fly with broken wings?
Life's a journey not a destination
And I just can't tell just what tomorrow brings


Автор:  Sorceresss` [ 16 Сеп 2007 02:05 ]

Ти не можеш от мен да се скриеш, да останеш единствено спомен.. Тишина, тишина, сам0 тя ми остана след теб..

Автор:  sunny_mj [ 16 Сеп 2007 02:37 ]

I'm useless, lazy, perverted, and you hate me...
You can't save me, you can't change me.

Автор:  Phobia [ 16 Сеп 2007 17:01 ]

I'm a man with too many faces, but the mask I wear is one.

Текстът в оригинал не е точно такъв, но ми хареса промяната :}

Автор:  Jem [ 16 Сеп 2007 17:10 ]

Phobia написа:
I'm a man with too many faces, but the mask I wear is one.

Текстът в оригинал не е точно такъв, но ми хареса промяната :}

и песента : )

Автор:  lee_kiss [ 16 Сеп 2007 18:52 ]

When y0u t0uch mY fAce..wHen y0u CaLL mY naMe..I buRnEd wIth dEsIre ...BuT y0u LeFt mE In tHe RaIn.... :inlove:

Автор:  Kpac [ 16 Сеп 2007 23:46 ]

Those who wish to follow me (My ghetto gospel)
I welcome with my hands
And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold
And peace to this young warrior without the sound of guns

Автор:  Sc0tty [ 17 Сеп 2007 08:32 ]

Brothers of metal
We are fighting with power and steel
Fighting for metal metal thats real
Brothers of metal will always be there
Standing together with hands in the air

Let us drink to the power drink to the sound
Thunder and metal are shaking the ground
Drink to your brothers who are never to fall
Were all brothers of metal here in the hall

Our hearts are filled with metal and masters we have none
And we will die for metal, metal heals, my son

Автор:  Sorceresss` [ 19 Сеп 2007 03:11 ]

You're simply the best, better than all the rest
Better than any0ne, anyone I've ever met
I'm stuck 0n your heart, I hang on every word y0u say
Tear us apart, baby I would rather be dead

Each time y0u leave me I start losing c0ntrol
You're walking away with my heart and my soul
I can feel you even when I'm alone
Oh baby, don't let go..

Автор:  mimeto [ 19 Сеп 2007 10:58 ]

no more pain, no more love,
no more crying in the night
no more faith no more trust
only lookin to have fun ......!!

Автор:  matevone [ 19 Сеп 2007 11:21 ]

hello miss,and maybe you can swallow this!! :P

Автор:  batista [ 20 Сеп 2007 02:59 ]

Mama, just killed a man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooo
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

It's too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body's aching all the time
Goodbye everybody - I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooo - (anyway the wind blows)
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

Автор:  someone [ 20 Сеп 2007 09:30 ]

The greatest thing you've ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

Цитат от "Moulin Rouge"

Автор:  someone [ 20 Сеп 2007 09:34 ]

AS ROma написа:
Brothers of metal
We are fighting with power and steel
Fighting for metal metal thats real
Brothers of metal will always be there
Standing together with hands in the air

Let us drink to the power drink to the sound
Thunder and metal are shaking the ground
Drink to your brothers who are never to fall
Were all brothers of metal here in the hall

Our hearts are filled with metal and masters we have none
And we will die for metal, metal heals, my son

A? Фен на Manowar имало във форума :)

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