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Автор:  Undead_Warrior [ 16 Сеп 2006 22:55 ]

That place in my mind - is that space that you call mine

Автор:  spanxx [ 17 Сеп 2006 03:54 ]

I don't know your fucking name..
So What!? Lets Fuck..

Автор:  _Dreamer_ [ 18 Сеп 2006 17:03 ]

You must forgive me but loving me is a sin ...

Автор:  NemesiS_sL [ 18 Сеп 2006 17:52 ]

You are anyone I want to be (it's here and now, and now it's only you and me)
It's never enough (mmm that's true)
I want to stay here (yeah, and I do too)
Breakin' it down(takin' it down)
With smell(smell), touch(touch, taste(taste), sight(sight), and sound(sound)
How long will I be here without you near because I'm so cold
Break them first or I'll get broken is not what I was told, now I'm so cold

:loving: :loving: :loving:

Автор:  Luz_Terin [ 18 Сеп 2006 19:38 ]

the fire dies on its own
leaving us to ourselves but not exactly alone
I think that something is out there waiting
anticipation has grown
the air as black as can be
can't even see that my hand is in front of me
I'm overhearing a whisper "they won't escape until the blood is set free"

so turn back the silence is deafening
turn back don't let them see you again
they make the rounds at the midnight hour and
on the clock it's just a minute away

so we're hours awake and our only mistake is we bleed
and the hunger for the living helps them hunt it with the greatest of ease

now I'm finding my friends
hanging from trees, made a bed of a barbed wire fence
I'm on the loose with my neck in the noose but hey...
I enjoy the intense

turn back the silence is deafening
turn back don't let them see you again
they make the rounds at the midnight hour and
on the clock it's just a minute away

so we're hours awake and our only mistake is we bleed
and the hunger for the living helps them hunt it with the greatest of ease
no experience could ever match the sight of when a person is through
if it's the last thing I will do I'll be the one that will escape from hellview...and I will.

turn back the silence is deafening
turn back don't let them see you again
they make the rounds at the midnight hour and
on the clock it's just a minute away [twice]

so we're hours awake and our only mistake is we bleed
and the hunger for the living helps them hunt it with the greatest of ease
no experience could ever match the sight of when a person is through
if it's the last thing I will do I'll be the one that will escape from hellview...and I will.


Автор:  panntofka [ 18 Сеп 2006 19:40 ]

predi mn 4esto kazwah "mani begai" i to da draznq okolnite... haha naprawo me bqha namrazili na wsqka duma da go kazwam :haha:

Автор:  Phobia [ 18 Сеп 2006 20:08 ]

"Everything reminds me of something that reminds me of you"

Автор:  Razor [ 18 Сеп 2006 20:09 ]

Some people are drivin too fast :)

Автор:  anAkiN^_^ [ 18 Сеп 2006 20:46 ]

I can't stand the rain...

Автор:  Sorceresss` [ 18 Сеп 2006 21:24 ]

I cann0t st0p this ride
I'm growing c0ld inside
I sh0uldn't let it slide
Will sickneSs be mine....

Автор:  [[lonely]] [ 18 Сеп 2006 21:28 ]

I`m locked up...
They won`t let me out...
They won`t let me out...
I`m locked up...
They won`t let me out...
They won`t let me out...

Автор:  Phobia [ 18 Сеп 2006 21:58 ]

"I only know
that I'm longing to go
back to my lazy day.."

Автор:  lee_kiss [ 19 Сеп 2006 07:44 ]

..."and we will never never ever be the same"...
[September-Flowers on the grave]

Автор:  Chelsea [ 19 Сеп 2006 07:47 ]

"...i'm stoned in love but not with you..."

Автор:  SummerGirl [ 19 Сеп 2006 20:02 ]

. . .When you dream there are no rules, people can fly, anything can happend. Sometimes there is a moment as you are awakening when you become aware of the real world around you, but you are still dreaming. You may think you can fly but better not try. People can fly. . .

Автор:  Luz_Terin [ 19 Сеп 2006 20:06 ]

Sick of my life. I'm tired of everything in my life.

Автор:  Razor [ 19 Сеп 2006 22:40 ]

дум дум дум дум дум дум дум дум дум дум

Автор:  aneela [ 19 Сеп 2006 22:40 ]

I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky.

Автор:  Luz_Terin [ 19 Сеп 2006 22:41 ]

Do like I told you stay away from me

Автор:  Shaddy [ 19 Сеп 2006 23:10 ]

Fix my problems with the blade
While my eyes turn from blue to gray
God, the worst thing happened to me today
But I guess I don't care anymore...

Автор:  Jem [ 19 Сеп 2006 23:14 ]

Do you want to
Step to this ? Wanna mess with this ?
Wanna piss on this ? You're on my shit list .
Did you lie to me ?
Are you blind to see ?
How can I trust you when I know you ?

Автор:  Luz_Terin [ 19 Сеп 2006 23:21 ]

In 24 hours they’ll be
Laying flowers
On my life, it’s over tonight
I’m not messing no I
Need your blessing
And your promise to live free
Please do it for me

Автор:  USSR [ 19 Сеп 2006 23:22 ]

Sofi Marinova - Beli ruji.mp3 :dancing: :dance:

Автор:  Shaddy [ 19 Сеп 2006 23:26 ]

I dont mind being ogled, ridiculed,
made to feel miniscule
If you consider the source
It's kinda pitiful
The only thing you really know about me is
the thing you'll ever know -

Автор:  ma_ki [ 19 Сеп 2006 23:40 ]


Автор:  Jem [ 21 Сеп 2006 18:54 ]

"А втори път да върже
първия път се постарай да не свършиш бърже"

Автор:  SiCkeNing_FeAR [ 21 Сеп 2006 18:59 ]

God what the fuck is wrong?
You act like you knew it all along...
Your timing sucks, your silence is a blessing...

Автор:  PieceOfShit [ 21 Сеп 2006 19:00 ]

"..Жените всяка вечер денсат на планета...мЪжете чакат здраво ХХЛ-а да фанат чепа...."

Автор:  ^Angel4ety^ [ 21 Сеп 2006 22:24 ]

Вчера имах смелостта да се бора, днес имам смелостта да спечеля :dance:

Автор:  USSR [ 21 Сеп 2006 22:30 ]

пак съм сам и ноща е дошла при мен,в стаята пусто е вече съм сломен....
Murad - Eh, Nalei.mp3 :495 :drink party:

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