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Автор:  dell [ 22 Юли 2009 16:16 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Покер

ShLiM написа:
Dea7h написа:
ShLiM написа:
Кой какви подаръци има от покер сайтовете?

Emi stotici chasove v qdove,hilqdi bad beatove,i "strahoten" opit dokato gledah tezi okolo men :D.W obshti linii sa tova.
P.S. Ako si v Dobrich moje da napravim edna masa nqkoi pyt?;]
P.S 2 sry za kirilicata

е то тва ясно гледам да не се сещам за кофти моментите (tooth) (tooth)
в добрич съм да тряя да напрайм нещо :)

За лайф и аз съм надъхан да си начеша крастата малко :)

Автор:  ShLiM [ 23 Юли 2009 15:27 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Покер

It was a hot and dry day in El Paso when I played that hand in 1849. I\'m not sure why I decided to return to the saloon, and once more risk losing it all; maybe it was boredom, days on end of seeing nothing from my porch besides hot, dry sand and desert lizards reflected in the rising steam. God knows where that steam came from. There wasn\'t water for miles.

I burst through the doors of The Broken Spoke holding all that i had earned from my 3 long months working on the ranch of Dallas Bill, one hundred and two dollars. I looked down back to my usual table: the usual suspects were at it again: Switchblade Joe, Tumbleweed Tim, Vegas Black, and Double Dee. Me? They call me Six-Shooter Sam.

I took my seat. The name of the game was $100 NL, the highest stakes in town. I shouted at the bartender. \"Hey Lady, bring me some goddamn whiskey.\" Luckily, she had it. I would have taken horse piss. Anything to rid myself of the grit on the back of my throat.

First hand I\'m on the big blind, and I look down to find the king of hearts and the ten of spades. Folds all around to me, except for Vegas Black who makes it three to go. I eyed him over carefully. He was a smooth one, that Vegas Black; unpredictable, like a cross-breed between a rattlesnake and a scorpion: you never quite could tell which way he was slithering, but one sting from him and men were pushing up daisies. Vegas Black was known in Texas to raise pots with any old hand, he could be sitting on anything from 2 7 offsuit to a pair of bullets. I saw a drop of sweat roll down my forehead and hit the felt. Vegas gave me a sinister grin. \"Call.\" He urged. \"I dare ya.\"

I called his raise. The flop comes 10 clubs, 7 clubs, A spades. Vegas bets out strong, $6, clearly trying to bluff me out.

\"It\'ll take a lot more than that to get me out of this pot, partner,\" I said to Vegas in a raspy voice, my throat raw from the sand and the whiskey. \"$20 to go.\"

Vegas lit a cigarette and sucked the smoke through the gap where his left front tooth used to be before he lost it taming Memphis, the wild black stallion that townsfolk rumored Vegas found at the gates of hell after getting shot by Kentucky Jack on the longest day December. \"$50.\"

\"I call.\"

The turn comes up, the Ace of diamonds. Vegas checks. Now I\'m in for it. My pair of tens is looking worse by the minute. I check behind.

The river comes, the ten of hearts. Vegas checks again, settting his trap, except this time I can fight back. \"I\'m all-in.\"

Vegas looks at me and gives another wicked grin. He stands up from the table, pulls his pistol out from his holster, and pointing it at his own head says to me, \"I raise you your life.\"

A lot of things went through my mind at that moment. My wife, my children, my future goals of saving enough money to move out west to california and strike it rich, but for some reason, I knew Vegas Black wasn\'t holding an ace.

\"Vegas,\" I said, with shaky hands, pulling out my six-shooter from its brown leather holster, \"you\'re a dead man.\" I pointed my six-shooter at my own head with my right hand, and flipped over K10 with the other. Vegas flipped over 88 and shot himself dead, in the middle of The Broken Spoke, on that hot and dry 1849 day in El Paso, when I made the biggest gamble of my life.

Автор:  Aca [ 23 Юли 2009 16:08 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Покер

ако някой си търси покер чипове това е обявата ;) viewtopic.php?f=28&t=47732

Автор:  StreetGlow [ 05 Апр 2010 16:57 ]
Заглавие:  Покер и всичко за него

Някой занимавали се с този спорт ... говорим най-вече за Texas Hold'Em разновидност пленила света .. и вече доста сериозно невлязла в България . Тук може споделяте любими играчи , любими онлайн казина в който играете ... всичко отностно покер стратегий , тактики и ръце ... Аз лично играя в момента в High Pulse много добро сайтче изцяло с фреероли ... то този момент ... ако някой има желание да види тва е линка http://highpulsepoker.com/cgi-bin/sc.pl ... asenovgrad
иначе и BetSafe ... и PokerStars естествено са доста добри ... : )

Автор:  Timbo [ 05 Апр 2010 17:01 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Покер и всичко за него

Не знаех че покера с "спорт" ;)
Трябва да се поинтерисувам дали и пиенето на бира, в крайна сметка няма да се окаже също спорт :D

Автор:  StreetGlow [ 05 Апр 2010 17:03 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Покер и всичко за него

Maxxie написа:
Не знаех че покера с "спорт" ;)
Трябва да се поинтерисувам, дали и пиенето на бира не е спорт :D

естествено че е спорт ... сега не говорим за сварка или парол игри на пълен късмет .. Тук става въпрос за умения .. за концентрация и много други фактори .. Неможе почти всяка година на финалната маса на световното да има едни и същи хора почти .. ако всичко е късмет ; )

Автор:  Slash [ 16 Апр 2010 22:52 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Покер и всичко за него

Maxxie написа:
Не знаех че покера с "спорт" ;)
Трябва да се поинтерисувам дали и пиенето на бира, в крайна сметка няма да се окаже също спорт :D

Спорт е пич,спорт е. :)

Автор:  dell [ 28 Окт 2010 16:57 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Покер

Здрава психика и да си кажем честно понякога доза късмет без късмет трудно би постигнал нещо в тази игра ;)

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