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МнениеПубликувано на: 27 Юни 2006 16:56 
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Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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Име на отбор: Футболен клуб "Челси"
Прозвище: сините
Основан: 14 март 1905
Стадион: Стамфорд Бридж, Лондон
Капацитет: 42 055
Президент: Роман Абрамович
Старши треньор: Жозе Моуриньо
Първенство: Английска Висша лига


Челси (на английски Chelsea Football Club ) е британски футболен клуб от град Лондон. Днешният им прякор е "сините", а преди — "пенсионерите", заради първоначалния герб на клуба. Клубът е основан на 14 март 1905. Играе срещите си на стадион "Стамфорд Бридж" в Югозападен Лондон. Името на клуба е подвеждащо, тъй като не се намира в квартал "Челси", а близо до него — в съседния квартал "Хамърсмит енд Фулъм". Челси е в първия ешелон в английското първенство от сезон 1989-1990 и по този показател се нарежда на 7-мо място. Първата титла на Челси е спечелена в далечната 1955 година, а след това сините имат още 2 - през 2005 и 2006! През последния сезон 2006/2007 завършват на 2-ро място в Англия! Междувременно играят три 1/2 финали в Шампионската Лига за 4 години, но не достигат нито един финал. На два пъти отпадат от Ливърпул, като единия път това става след гол на Луис Гарсия, а втория - след дузпи. През 2004 отпадат от Монако.


Премиершип (5): 1954-55, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2009-10 2014-15
Чемпиъншип (2): 1983-84, 1988-89
ФА Къп (7): 1970, 1997, 2000, 2007, 2009, 2010 2012
Купа на Лигата на Англия (5): 1965, 1998, 2005, 2007 2015
Камюнити Шийлд (4): 1955, 2000, 2005, 2009

Шампионска Лига (1) 2012
Лига Европа (1) 2013
Суперкупа на Европа (1): 1998
Купа на носителите на национални купи (2): 1971, 1998


Последна промяна Chelsea на 11 Юни 2015 20:17, променена общо 23 пъти

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МнениеПубликувано на: 09 Юли 2006 11:02 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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shevchenko i balack sa super populneniq sega 6te ma4kame zdravo


Последна промяна Chelsea на 02 Мар 2008 20:30, променена общо 1 път

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МнениеПубликувано на: 09 Юли 2006 12:21 
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Регистриран на: 10 Фев 2004 21:30
Мнения: 3154
Местоположение: Located In Nowhere
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Има да си пишеш сам в тая тема

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МнениеПубликувано на: 09 Юли 2006 12:30 

Регистриран на: 05 Май 2004 12:57
Мнения: 704
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Получил благодарност: 2 пъти
t0xIc написа:
Има да си пишеш сам в тая тема
:ok: :ok:

Ако не си част от решението, то тогава си част от проблема!
The solution of this problem is trivial and is left as an exercise for the reader.
Software is like sex, it's better when it's free.

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 09 Юли 2006 14:04 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 28 Яну 2004 17:39
Мнения: 1471
Местоположение: Somewhere in the universe
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 2 пъти

Ае Енчо отдавна се чудя на 12 или 13 си?

Човешкото същество е част от Вселената, част ограничена във времето и пространството.Той преживява себе си,своите мисли и чувства като нещо отделено от останалото,един вид оптична илюзия на съзнанието му.Тази илюзия е като затвор за нас,ограничавайки ни до нашите собствени желания и до привързаност само на хората най-близки до нас.Нашата задача трябва да бъде да се освободим от този затвор като разширим нашият кръг на съчувствие за да прегърнем природата в цялостната и красота.
А. Айнщайн

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 09 Юли 2006 14:43 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 0 пъти


Последна промяна Chelsea на 02 Мар 2008 20:31, променена общо 2 пъти

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 09 Юли 2006 16:18 

Регистриран на: 18 Яну 2006 11:59
Мнения: 88
Години: 38

Благодарил: 1 пъти
Получил благодарност: 0 пъти
t0xIc написа:
Има да си пишеш сам в тая тема

Ето че не си пише сам тука сума ти хора му писаха в темата на момчето :haha:

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 09 Юли 2006 16:24 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 0 пъти
:hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:


Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 09 Юли 2006 16:24 
Намерил си мястото

Регистриран на: 14 Авг 2005 22:43
Мнения: 545
Местоположение: n/a
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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змей :drunk:

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МнениеПубликувано на: 09 Юли 2006 16:29 
Луд умора няма

Регистриран на: 10 Сеп 2004 16:19
Мнения: 990
Местоположение: In StunneR-LanD ! WHAT??!?
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Човешката простотия няма граници:)

I am not an artist I am a fucking work of art!

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 09 Юли 2006 17:23 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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:hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:


Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 10:15 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 28 Яну 2004 17:39
Мнения: 1471
Местоположение: Somewhere in the universe
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 2 пъти
encho.kolev написа:

Мама не те ли е научила да не обиждаш.

Човешкото същество е част от Вселената, част ограничена във времето и пространството.Той преживява себе си,своите мисли и чувства като нещо отделено от останалото,един вид оптична илюзия на съзнанието му.Тази илюзия е като затвор за нас,ограничавайки ни до нашите собствени желания и до привързаност само на хората най-близки до нас.Нашата задача трябва да бъде да се освободим от този затвор като разширим нашият кръг на съчувствие за да прегърнем природата в цялостната и красота.
А. Айнщайн

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 10:48 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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ne be .............


Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 11:06 

Регистриран на: 04 Юли 2006 12:18
Мнения: 485
Местоположение: Dubai
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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encho.kolev написа:
s shevchenko i balack sega chelsea nikoi ne moj gi spre

хаха ти си бил голям оптимист ве нали всички видяха че нито шева нито балак не струват вече на световното и двамата нито 1 добра изява нямаха а ти си мислиш че челси ще бият наред ..... :haha:

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 12:04 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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6e vidim


Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 12:14 
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Регистриран на: 16 Юли 2005 17:36
Мнения: 2017
Години: 33

Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 11 пъти
Ае стига със скапаните Челси писна ми от тях!

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 12:42 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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ne sa skapani a 6ampioni na angliq a Inter s ko moje da se pohvalqt aaaaaaaaaaa ne 4uvam


Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 12:59 

Регистриран на: 18 Яну 2006 11:59
Мнения: 88
Години: 38

Благодарил: 1 пъти
Получил благодарност: 0 пъти
encho.kolev написа:
ne sa skapani a 6ampioni na angliq a Inter s ko moje da se pohvalqt aaaaaaaaaaa ne 4uvam

Inter имат история и са сред най популярните отбори в италия
челси имат всичко na всичко 3 шампионски титли 3 купи на лигата и са печелили FA Cup точно 3 пъти ако не беше Роман Абрамович Челси щяха да нямат титла поне оше 20 години

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 15:05 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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говорим за момента а в момента интер не струва и скоро нито титлата в италия нито шампионската лига ще вземе


Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 15:23 

Регистриран на: 18 Яну 2006 11:59
Мнения: 88
Години: 38

Благодарил: 1 пъти
Получил благодарност: 0 пъти
Ako изгoнят юве и милан на всички е ясно че интер ще е новия шампион на италия така че още тази година Inter може да шампион
A във ранглистата на УЕФА интер се намира на 7 място а Челси 20
a във важните мачове се видя колко струва челси ливърпул ги би за купата тая гадина и за ШЛ миналата тая година пък Барселона ги отстрани та нека си останат със титлата

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 15:37 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 0 пъти
а интер до къде стигна последните години в шампионската лига до четвъртфинал и нищо а челси поне до 1/2 а миналата година 1/8 защото барса имаха късмет, а пък ако изгонят юве и милан рома ще е шампион а интер ще са пак с пръст в устата!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bye: :bye: :bye:


Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 16:38 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 16 Юли 2005 17:36
Мнения: 2017
Години: 33

Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 11 пъти
encho.kolev написа:
а интер до къде стигна последните години в шампионската лига до четвъртфинал и нищо а челси поне до 1/2 а миналата година 1/8 защото барса имаха късмет, а пък ако изгонят юве и милан рома ще е шампион а интер ще са пак с пръст в устата!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bye: :bye: :bye:

Така ти се иска ако в Серия "А" от фаворитите останат Интер и Рома,то Интер 100% ще е шампион!Последните 2 години Интер постоянно бие Рома за първенство с изключение на един равен мач и при това последните две години дори Рома и Интер играят ФИНАЛ ЗА КУПАТА НА ИТАЛИЯ и ИНТЕР БИЕ И ДВАТА МАЧА!
Така,че Интер ще го набие и на Рома и на Челси!

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 16:59 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 0 пъти
ще видим :haha: :haha: :haha:


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МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 17:12 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 28 Яну 2004 17:39
Мнения: 1471
Местоположение: Somewhere in the universe
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Кво спориш е Енчо.Имали полуфинал Челси.Челси са най-скъпия отбор в света с най-скъпи заплати и футболисти,а дори финал на ШЛ не могат да стигнат.Видя ли кво стана с Реал Мадрид.Същото очаква и Челси.YNWA.

Човешкото същество е част от Вселената, част ограничена във времето и пространството.Той преживява себе си,своите мисли и чувства като нещо отделено от останалото,един вид оптична илюзия на съзнанието му.Тази илюзия е като затвор за нас,ограничавайки ни до нашите собствени желания и до привързаност само на хората най-близки до нас.Нашата задача трябва да бъде да се освободим от този затвор като разширим нашият кръг на съчувствие за да прегърнем природата в цялостната и красота.
А. Айнщайн

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 18:52 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 0 пъти
we will see :) :) :)


Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 10 Юли 2006 23:35 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 23 Авг 2004 00:04
Мнения: 1772
Местоположение: Beyond The Promised Land™
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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t0xIc написа:
Има да си пишеш сам в тая тема

тука си изключително прав :)

Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 11 Юли 2006 10:37 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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Върнете се в началото
МнениеПубликувано на: 16 Юли 2006 16:44 
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Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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programa na 4elsi za sezon 2006-2007


Sat 2nd
Newcastle, H, 3pm

Tue 5th / Wed 6th
UCL Group Stage 6

Sun 10th
Arsenal, H, 4pm

Sat 16th
Everton, A, 3pm

Tue 19th / Wed 20th
Carling Cup 5th Round

Sat 23rd
Wigan, A, 5.15pm

Tue 26th
Reading, H, 1pm

Sat 30th
Fulham H, 3pm


Mon 1st
Aston Villa, A

Sat 6th / Sun 7th
FA Cup 3rd Round

Tue 9th / Wed 10th
Carling Cup Semi-Final, 1st Leg

Sat 13th
Wigan, H

Sat 20th
Liverpool, A

Tue 23rd / Wed 24th
Carling Cup Semi-Final, 2nd Leg

Sat 27th / Sun 28th
FA Cup 4th Round

Wed 31st
Blackburn, H


Sat 3rd
Charlton, A

Sat 10th
Middlesbrough, H

Tue 14th / Wed 15th
UCL 2nd Round, 1st Leg

Sat 17th / Sun 18th
FA Cup 5th Round

Sat 24th
Manchester City, A

Sun 25th
CARLING CUP FINAL at Wembley or Cardiff


Sat 3rd
Portsmouth, A

Tue 6th / Wed 7th
UCL 2nd Round, 2nd Leg

Sat 10th / Sun 11th
FA Cup 6th Round

Sat 17th
Sheffield United, H

Sat 24th / Sun 25th
Blank Weekend for internationals

Sat 31st
Watford, A


Tue 3rd / Wed 4th
UCL Quarter-Final, 1st Leg

Sat 7th
Tottenham, H

Mon 9th
West Ham, A

Tue 10th / Wed 11th
UCL Quarter-Final, 2nd Leg
Manchester United, H OR FA Cup Semi-Final

Sat 21st
Newcastle, A

Tue 24th / Wed 25th
UCL Semi-Final, 1st Leg

Sat 28th
Bolton, H


Tue 1st / Wed 2nd
UCL Semi-Final, Second Leg

Sat 5th
Academy League Play-Off Semi-Final
Arsenal, A

Thu 10th
Academy League Play-Off Final

Sun 13th
Everton, H

Sat 19th
FA CUP FINAL at Wembley or Cardiff

Wed 23rd
UCL FINAL, Athens.


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 Заглавие: istoriq na 4elsi
МнениеПубликувано на: 16 Юли 2006 16:45 
Почетен потребител

Регистриран на: 06 Фев 2006 11:19
Мнения: 2639
Години: 34

Местоположение: Varna
Благодарил: 0 пъти
Получил благодарност: 0 пъти
History of Chelsea Football Club
Chelsea was founded, like Liverpool FC, to fill a stadium that was empty. Gus Mears had an old athletics ground at Stamford Bridge in west London, which he decided to redevelop as a football stadium. After a number of unforeseen problems he received a very lucrative offer for the land and very nearly sold it. This was after failing to persuade Fulham to move to the ground from Craven Cottage. A colleague, who was a supporter of the football stadium project, attempted to dissuade him from selling up one Sunday morning. As the pair walked Mears dog attacked Parker and bit him, drawing blood but only an amused reaction from Parker.
Mears was so impressed with how well Parker took the bite he told him he would now trust his judgement and he threw his weight back behind the football team idea. On 14th March 1905 a meeting was held in a pub opposite the stadium, at this meeting the club was named Chelsea FC after a number of other names, London FC amongst them, were rejected.
Their first manager was a player manager, he was a Scottish international called John Tait Robertson, they also signed a squad or well-respected players – conditional on finding a league to compete in. Their application to join the Southern League was rejected so Chelsea applied to join the, then northern dominated, Football League. On 29th May 1905 at the Football League AGM Chelsea were elected to the 2nd Division, the first club ever to make the league without kicking a ball.
Chelsea’s first ever competitive game was a 1-0 defeat away to Stockport County on the 2nd September 1905. Despite this early setback crowds were good (67,000 against Manchester United on Good Friday of 1906) and in their second season they won promotion to Division One.
Even back then Chelsea signed star names, which probably went a long way to explaining the high attendances. Their first goalkeeper was an England international called Willie Foulkes, he was nicknamed ‘Fatty’ and weighed over 22 stones.
The following season they signed a striker called George ‘Gatling Gun’ Hilsdon who scored 107 goals in 6 seasons for the Blues. There is a weather vane at the ground which was modelled on him.
They suffered relegation, closely followed by promotion to Division One over the next few years but by the time of the First World War the best they had managed was eighth place in Division One.
In 1915 they reached the FA Cup final, held that year at Old Trafford, where they were soundly beaten, 3-0, by Sheffield United, in what was to become known as ‘The Khaki Final’ due to the number of military uniforms present among the crowd.
Mears had passed away in 1912 so missed the joy of seeing his stadium host the FA Cup final in the final 3 seasons prior to the opening of Wembley in 1923.
In October 1935 Stamford Bridge witnessed the highest ever crowd recorded for an English league football match when 82905 crammed in to witness the visit of Arsenal. With Arsenal winning four out of five championships in the early 1930s Chelsea began to spend money in an attempt to compete. They splashed out, for the time, huge sums on three Scottish international forwards, including one of the biggest names in the game, Hughie Gallacher for a club record fee of £10000 from Newcastle United.
After the Second World War Stamford Bridge played host to Moscow Dynamo’s first match on their tour of Britain. The turnstiles were shut at 74,496 spectators but thousands more gained entry, estimates suggest over 100,000 people watched as Chelsea with new forward Tommy Lawton scoring their 3rd goal were held to a 3-3 draw. He scored a club record 26 goals in 34 League matches in his first full season but left after just two years for a British record £20,000.
In May 1952 Ted Drake was appointed manager, he removed the Chelsea Pensioner from the club badge and banished the nickname ‘The Pensioners’. He became the club’s first tracksuit manager getting himself involved in training and also improved the youth and scouting programme.
Drake led the club to its first Championship in 1955, but the following year the club struggled and they could only finish 16th. The next few years saw Chelsea struggle in the lower half of the table, this despite the emergence of Jimmy Greaves from the youth team. He reached the 100 goal mark before the age of 21 and by the time of his sale to AC Milan in 1961 he had scored 132 times in 169 appearances.
The following season Chelsea were relegated after finishing bottom in Division One, Drake paying with his job a couple of months into the season. A 33 year old Tommy Docherty took over and he ruthlessly overhauled the playing stuff, bringing through a large number of youth team players such as Peter Bonetti, Ron Harris and Terry Venables. The average age of the squad dropped to just 21. The club soon won promotion back to the top flight and managed to produce some top 5 finishes and three consecutive FA Cup semi-finals.
In 1965 Chelsea won their first major cup, defeating Leicester City 3-2 on aggregate in the Leagu Cup final (in those days it was played over two legs). In 1967 they reached the FA Cup final where they played Tottenham Hotspur in the first ever all London affair. A Spurs side boasting Greaves and Venables deservedly won 2-1. Not long after this Chelsea’s all-time leading goalscorer (202 goals in 370 matches) Bobby Tambling left the club.
In 1970 Chelsea again reached the FA Cup final this time playing Leeds United which ended in a 2-2 draw with Leeds twice taking the lead. The replay was played at Old Trafford and in a often brutal game Chelsea triumphed in extra time despite Leeds again taking the lead in normal time.
This lead to qualification for the European Cup Winners’ Cup where the Blues reached the final in Greece against Real Madrid, beating Manchester City in the semi final to get there. After extra time the two sides couldnt be separated and they held a replay two days later where Chelsea won 2-1 to win their first European trophy.
The club entered a new era of debt when they began work to turn the ground into a brand new 60,000 capacity stadium. A new East Stand was the first stage, but this was beset with problems and was eventually finished a year late and a huge, for the times, sum over budget: £1.3 million. Just four years after their European CWC triumph, Chelsea were again relegated to Division Two, debts had now reached £3 million.
Chelsea bounced back to Division One within a couple of seasons, no longer able to afford the big stars Chelsea relied on youngsters, led by new 18 year old captain, and darling of the Bridge, Ray Wilkins. But the club failed to agree personal terms with the manager and he walked out – the club finished 16th that season and went on to finish bottom and get relegated the following season. To stave off financial crisis Ray Wilkins was sold to Manchester United.
Finances continued to get worse, until with the players unpaid and the bank refusing to accept Chelsea’s cheques, Ken bates was approached to invest in the club. He bought the club, and its debts, for just £1, the stadium remained as a separate company. He was appalled at what he found describing it as ‘a social club with a little football played on a Saturday’ (though how many people these days can still remember when football was played on a Saturday!!), even the clubs ‘fund-raising’ lottery was losing money.
The club narrowly avoided going down to Division Three that season, then the following season, 1983-4, they won the Second Division Championship, with players such as Pat Nevin, Kerry Dixon and David Speedie. Dixon went on to become the clubs second highest scorer of all time with 193 goals, even sharing the Golden Boot in Chelsea’s first season back in the top flight with 24 League goals (36 in all competitions).
After four years in the top flight they were once again relegated, the losing of their manager, this time through ill health, again contributing. The following season they easily won Division Two, again, with 99 points and a club record unbeaten league run.
Problems beset the club off the pitch as former directors allowed ownership of the ground to be transferred to property developers and Ken Bates was forced to use millions on legal fees to keep the club at Stamford Bridge. Luckily a collapse in the property market ended the battle with the speculators.
The club made its first £1 million+ purchases in the form of midfielders Andy Townsend and Dennis Wise but the club never rose out of mid-table and struggled in the cup competitions (‘giant-killed’ on no less than 13 occasions in just 12 seasons!).
In 1993 Chelsea appointed Glenn Hoddle, who was then at Swindon Town, manager and he led the club to the FA Cup final at the end of his first season. While Chelsea were beaten 4-0 by Manchester United it still pointed to a brighter future for the club. With Manchester United already having qualified for Europe through their league position Chelsea gained entry to the European Cup Winners Cup and reached the semi-finals the following season.
Now the club was again able to attract the big names, Hoddle persuading Holland legend and ex-World Player of the Year Ruud Gullit to swap italy for London. Mark Hughes joining from Manchester United and Romanian international Dan Petrescu also arriving as Hoddle got the club playing flowing passing football once again.
Hoddle left to take over the England reins in the summer of 1996, following the end of ex-Chelsea star Terry Venables rein. Gullit, who was already being talked of as the club’s best player ever after just one season, was handed control of the club as player/manager.
Gullit returned to Italy to sign a top italian trio: striker Gianluca Vialli, midfielder Roberto Di Matteo and the magnificent Gianfranco Zola. The club again reached the FA Cup final but this time, thanks partly to a goal scored in just 43 seconds by Di Matteo (a Wembley Cup final record), Chelsea triumphed over Middlesbrough 2-0.
Sadly lifelong supporter and vice-chairman, Matthew Harding, died a few months earlier and failed to see a victory which owed a lot to his money and hard work. The north stand at Stamford Bridge now bears his name, fittingly as he provided most of the finances for its construction.
Gullit strengthened again signing Gustavo Poyet, Graeme Le Saux and Ed de Goey, among others, before the new season. But part way through the new seaon contract talks between Chelsea and Gullit broke down (early 1998) and he was replaced, again by a current player, this time it was Gianluca Vialli.
He led the club to two trophies at the end of the season, the League Cup (Coca-Cola Cup as it was then) and the European Cup Winners Cup for a second time. Middlesbrough again the victims in the League Cup and Stuttgart beaten in the CWC final.
In the summer Marcel Desailly was signed, and along with Frank Lebeouf, who was already at the club, went onto win that summers World Cup. The European Super Cup was added to the trophy cabinet with a victory over Real Madrid. The following season another FA Cup was added to the trophy cabinet in the last final to be played at the old Wembley Stadium, with a 1-0 win over Aston Villa.
That summer the club paid out £15 million, equalling the British transfer record paid by Newcastle United for Alan Shearer, for forward Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink. He scored on his debut to give the club yet another trophy, the Charity Shield.
Italian manager Claudio Ranieri was now brought to the club as problems between Vialli and his players surfaced. He brought in the likes of defender William Gallas and midfielder Frank Lampard. With the Stamford bridge rebuilding finished for the start of the 2001/2 season the club was on the rise.
That season the club again reached the FA Cup final, now at Cardiff’s Millenium Stadium, where Arsenal beat them 2-0. But debts were again starting to build as the club spent money rebuilding the squad and constructing the stadium and adjoining hotel and leisure complex.
On 2nd July 2003 Roman Abramovich ushered in a new era in football as he bought Chelsea, lock, stock and barrel. Just 36 he was a Russian multi-billionaire who, at the time, was completely unknown in England. This led to uncertainty as to his intentions, with many city commentators suggesting he was looking to asset strip the club. Luckily for the club’s fans (though not so for the fans of the rest of the world’s clubs!) Roman was looking to win things, the club was given almost unlimited money to spend, transforming overnight from a team just trying to stay aflost to a team able to afford any player it wanted.
His first action was to try and persuade a 37 year old Gianfranco Zola to sign a new contract, the problem was with the club having told Zola, just before Abramovich bought it, that it could not afford to give him a new contract, Zola had given his word to hometown club Cagliari that he would sign for them. Even though Abramovich negotiated a release from Cagliari and asked Zola to name his price to stay the little Sardinian refused to go back on his word and the club’s most popular player left.
This was just a blip as the club embarked on a spending spree unparrelled in world football, youngsters Glen Johnson, Wayne Bridge and Joe Cole were brought in, Geremi, Juan Sebastian Veron and Damien Duff were also acquired, the latter for a club record £17 million. Also brought in were Hernan Crespo, Adrian Mutu and key player Claude Makelele. Over £100 million was spent on players that summer and off the pitch the club was taken into private ownership by Roman.
At the end of that season the club had reached the European Champions League semi-finals and come second in the league but despite this Claudio Ranieri left as manager and Jose Mourinho, manager of the current Champions League winners Porto, was given the post. Brimming with self-confidence (some would say arrogance!) the self-proclaimed ‘Special One’ set about spending yet more money, buying three Portugese internationals, Petr Cech, Arjen Robben, Mateja Kezman and Didier Drogba for a new club record fee of £21 million.
Mourinho handed the captain’s armband to youth product John Terry and oversaw a League Cup final win (over Liverpool), European Champions League semi-final ( a loss to Liverpool this time) and a League Championship. The London club achieved the best points total and defensive record in English top-flight history and John Terry became the first Chelsea player to win the PFA Player of the Year award. Frank Lampard making it a double with the Footballer of the Year award.
But Mourinho and Chelsea havent finished there and they again broke their transfer record with the £24.4 million purchase of Michael Essien in the summer of 2005. With the club on top of the EPL once again and money no object they are beginning to look almost unbeatable, can they be stopped?


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