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МнениеПубликувано на: 11 Дек 2007 04:35 

Регистриран на: 31 Яну 2005 13:49
Мнения: 190
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ако си мислите да взимате химия ( това за хората който от скоро тренират) първо си направете хранителен режим научете се да го спазвате после в тренировките трябва да сте 6 и чак тогава химия .. или тоест тренирате 4-5-6 години да навлезете в материала и тогава ако искате хакайте химия :)
защото знам какво си мисляч повечето,"Като зобна малко и ще стана като рони колман"..мда ама не хората си късат гъзовете от тренировки и пак едва растат с химия..

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МнениеПубликувано на: 11 Дек 2007 11:32 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
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istinata e 4e s prawilnata himiq hrana rejim i trenirovki strani4nite efekti mogat da se svedat do minimum stiga 4oweka da znae kwo prawi razbira se :)

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 11 Дек 2007 11:41 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 04 Окт 2005 19:13
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Кво ще кажете за това- Силови тренировки до април и след това Кардио по 30 минути преди и след тренирофка за изчистване ?!

добрич се намира ж района на добруджа.(на 50км от гр.Варна)

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МнениеПубликувано на: 11 Дек 2007 11:55 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
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30 min kardio predi trenirovka e nenujno ako iskash da zagreesh ti sa dostata4ni 5-10 min istinskoto gorene stawa sled trenirovkata ili sutrin na gladno ...sled trnirovka 20 - 30 min sa ti dostata4ni pyteka ili veloargometyr po twoi izbor.no razbira se nai vajnoto si ostawa hranata... :)

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 11 Дек 2007 12:44 

Регистриран на: 12 Сеп 2005 01:15
Мнения: 177
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ReSp3cT написа:
ако си мислите да взимате химия ( това за хората който от скоро тренират) първо си направете хранителен режим научете се да го спазвате после в тренировките трябва да сте 6 и чак тогава химия .. или тоест тренирате 4-5-6 години да навлезете в материала и тогава ако искате хакайте химия :)
защото знам какво си мисляч повечето,"Като зобна малко и ще стана като рони колман"..мда ама не хората си късат гъзовете от тренировки и пак едва растат с химия..

:good post:

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МнениеПубликувано на: 11 Дек 2007 23:28 

Регистриран на: 12 Сеп 2005 01:15
Мнения: 177
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Kajete mi edna kombinaciq ot suplimenti + Strombi ii kato izklu4im sqkakav protein

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МнениеПубликувано на: 11 Дек 2007 23:33 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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mnogo obyrkan vypros si zadal...sled strombata zadaljitelno karzil...
ina4e s neq moje vsqkakwi suplementi nablqgai na vitaminite..sashto taka moje kreatin glutamin...i protein e dobre ne znam zashto si go napisal towa kato izklu4enie...

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 12 Дек 2007 00:03 

Регистриран на: 12 Сеп 2005 01:15
Мнения: 177
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Mersi ama ne sa za men a otnosno proteina fr ima problemi s beltycite

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МнениеПубликувано на: 12 Дек 2007 01:03 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
Благодарил: 0 пъти
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problem s beltycite? kwoto i da zna4i towa :O_o:

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 12 Дек 2007 01:36 

Регистриран на: 12 Сеп 2005 01:15
Мнения: 177
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Alergiq 4ovek izpri6tva se aa otnosno karzila ne se li priema po vreme na cikala ? ili kvoto e tam :)

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МнениеПубликувано на: 12 Дек 2007 03:18 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
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sled cikala principno se vzima..
az takawa alergiq ne sym 4uwal da ne goworish za gorin? ili?

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 12 Дек 2007 06:08 

Регистриран на: 31 Яну 2005 13:49
Мнения: 190
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за чистене 3 пъти в седмицата по 30 мин след тренировка пътека или къвто уред си избереш без колело(аз на 10 мин ги сменям) и в тези дни който нямаш бягане правиш корем, аз специално правя вдигане на краката 4х15 ограничаваш въглехидратите вечер по малко сладко ядеш и тва е ,при мен даде отличен резултат.Не че ми се изразиха мускулите на корема перфектно ама за 3 седмици съм много доволен от резултата.. :) :beer:

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МнениеПубликувано на: 12 Дек 2007 11:35 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
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moga li da popitam zashto bez kolelo? :)

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 12 Дек 2007 17:11 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 04 Окт 2005 19:13
Мнения: 1523
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L00n написа:
moga li da popitam zashto bez kolelo? :)
Мда интересно :) може би на него въртенето не му е помогнало.

добрич се намира ж района на добруджа.(на 50км от гр.Варна)

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МнениеПубликувано на: 13 Дек 2007 00:29 

Регистриран на: 31 Яну 2005 13:49
Мнения: 190
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еми предпочитам да има повече движение,смисъл на пътеката като бягаш движиш ръце ала бала пък на колелото само краката се натоварват и мисля че повече там се чисти,незнам може да е пълна простутия но това е моето мнение,и както каза момчето не ми деиства така както другите..

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МнениеПубликувано на: 13 Дек 2007 01:00 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
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v interes na istinata pytekata natowarwa powe4e stawite i s towa e opasna otkolkoto veloargometara...vse pak veloargometara e sredno gorqsht ured za gorene na maznini no e nai predpo4itaniqt sred po na4inaeshtite i hora s nqkakaw wid trawmi.hubawoto pri tozi ured e 4e edin postoqnen puls moje da se poddyrja mnogo po lesno ot pytekata a towa /pulsa/ igrae vajna rolq za cqlostnoto gorene :)

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 13 Дек 2007 11:41 

Регистриран на: 31 Яну 2005 13:49
Мнения: 190
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да така е ама ... какво да правя :) то всяко нещп в този свят си има и + и -

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МнениеПубликувано на: 13 Дек 2007 18:27 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
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:two beer:

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 13 Дек 2007 23:40 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 04 Окт 2005 19:13
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добрич се намира ж района на добруджа.(на 50км от гр.Варна)

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МнениеПубликувано на: 13 Дек 2007 23:45 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
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da raznoobrazq s malko BG POWER & svetowen rekord :)


i...tehnikata sreshta silata : koi pecheli?..


The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 14 Дек 2007 00:11 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 04 Окт 2005 19:13
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L00n написа:
da raznoobrazq s malko BG POWER & svetowen rekord :)


i...tehnikata sreshta silata : koi pecheli?..


добрич се намира ж района на добруджа.(на 50км от гр.Варна)

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МнениеПубликувано на: 14 Дек 2007 02:28 

Регистриран на: 12 Сеп 2005 01:15
Мнения: 177
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Ma6ina :)

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МнениеПубликувано на: 14 Дек 2007 14:23 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
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imashe nqkade kato prawi visoka tqga s 500 kilograma ama zabrawih kade beshe :)

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 14 Дек 2007 22:55 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 04 Окт 2005 19:13
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:fitness: Висока тяга ? би ли разяснил

добрич се намира ж района на добруджа.(на 50км от гр.Варна)

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МнениеПубликувано на: 14 Дек 2007 23:35 

Регистриран на: 31 Яну 2005 13:49
Мнения: 190
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голям изрод е Стоян Тодорчев аз го гледах в каварна си направиха съзтезание булгарските многобойци еми..разби ги всичките даже съм се снимал с него,като застанах до него стана ефектът :O_o:

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МнениеПубликувано на: 15 Дек 2007 11:28 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
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Michelin написа:
:fitness: Висока тяга ? би ли разяснил


3тият елемент където е след двете тяги това е висока тяга.... :)

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 15 Дек 2007 18:20 
Не мога да се спра

Регистриран на: 04 Окт 2005 19:13
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L00n написа:
Michelin написа:
:fitness: Висока тяга ? би ли разяснил


3тият елемент където е след двете тяги това е висока тяга.... :)

добрич се намира ж района на добруджа.(на 50км от гр.Варна)

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МнениеПубликувано на: 16 Дек 2007 23:33 

Регистриран на: 12 Сеп 2005 01:15
Мнения: 177
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http://vbox7.com/play:ab9aff58- klip4e za bicepsi :)

http://vbox7.com/play:85782319 - kakvo pravqt steroidite vijte mu fizionomiqta :)

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МнениеПубликувано на: 16 Дек 2007 23:48 
Go Hard Or Go Home

Регистриран на: 05 Ное 2005 03:14
Мнения: 2361
Години: 38

Местоположение: Фитнес Залата
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kwo trqbwashe da widq na vtoroto klip4e neshto ne hwanah ...
:) ne widqh po4ti nikwa promqna... da ne goworim 4e takowa tqlo i bez himiq moje da se postigne i to ne mn trudno :two beer:

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic.No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off!

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МнениеПубликувано на: 17 Дек 2007 00:21 

Регистриран на: 12 Сеп 2005 01:15
Мнения: 177
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E ne sam kazal 4e e nqkav korav prosto ima razlika v racete i g1rdite ii glavata mu be6e sa podula xxa :D

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